I am brainwipingly tired...

Sep 21, 2006 18:09

...just so you know.

When is Robin Hood arriving on our screens. I could find out if i tried hard enough, but finding out that reminded me that I'm a spoilerphobe.

All I hope is that it doesn't clash with something I want to watch. So nice to have such a lot on that I want to watch.

Like The Creepiest Show On TV if you believe its music: Wire in the Blood.
4-1 time to murder and create

Can't be bothered to get into my reaction to the mystery or the overall handling of it. Just want to talk about how maybe the show will be okay for me, because Tony is an OTC (there's enough of the outsider geek babbling to himself walking mess that I can identify with) that I may be able to get over Carole's bunking off to 'Johannesburg'. (Though I can't believe she didn't let him know. At all. That's just mean...)

Also wanted to note that we started off the ep with Tony Hill facing Wolfram and Hart's UK branch and that he never even considered DI Alex Replacement's arrival as a chance for him to back off this police advisory role, although he was right in that he could help and that he was a worthwhile part of the team (I was glad that those faces remained familiar. Have we met the computer tech before? Did I say I liked him and then instantly forget about him!? [Epguides says YES. But maybe I did remember him vaguely, because I suspected something of the sort!?]
I liked him more than the coroner, who was not mordantly witty enough for my liking.) Right, yeah, but Tony, a couple of jabs, but none of the examination of how getting into these serial killers' minds is affecting him, or not as much as there has been. Of course this was part of why Tony/Carol was delicious UST.

I think I can cope with/get to like DI Alex Replacement. It may just be the Scottish accent earning huge bonus points right now. But they made her fallible and vulnerable, trying to stampe her authority in a new position, but being willing to adapt. There were moments when she was too ITV drama feisty female lead and nothing but, but this is Bradfield where the music is chilling and the serious crimes usually involve rit chil kills, 'cept this week. But Tony did his stuff and that is enough for me - liked his leaving messages for Carol instead of talking into the tape.

The reveal about her kid was 'meh', and I don't think that the mystery blonde with the flywaway hair that we saw earlier was the kid. It looked like a woman to me - and I thought it was Carol. Or that DI Alex is a lesbian. (I desperately want the show to hold off on UST between Tony and Replacement.)

The previews for next week seem to hint that we'll be covering similar ground to this week.

Um, also, I had to watch somehting else for a bit before going to bed after this ep.

Finally, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal about fanfiction. Interesting in that its a way of finding out who in fandom - people I'm at like third remove to or more, all - has made it as a pro. And also the Meg Cabot details are interesting. To me. Because I have the sixth Mediator book to read.

uk, tv, robin hood, witb

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