A version of autumnal squee

Sep 17, 2006 08:31

Tonight's Spooks night. And tomorrow night. And some night this week. I forget which, is Wire in the Blood night.

I have mixed feelings about Hermione Morris moving to do Spooks. (Couldn't she do both? Because Tony/Carol twisted OTP and they're such good foils for each other. I don't know the new actress, but this sort of thing can be handled really badly. I was going to cite Julia Sawalha taking over from Caroline Quentin in Jonathan Creek, but I don't actually remember how I felt about that. Ooh, Ray K in Due South. It took me until the point he wore glasses to accept him, although Ds made the most of its leeway to introduce a new character whimsically. No whimsy on WiTB, please.)

Anyway, it'll be interesting to see Norris on SPooks - can she face off against Juliet? What will her status be? It may mean that there isn't going to be a new new Trio (Adam, Zaph and Jo) which I can utterly live with.

It's interesting the impression last year's cliffhanger left on mundanes. A colleague was talking about how 'the blonde guy' died, and I, being a cult TV junkie was inwardly scoffing, because only about four eps after we've seen the dead body and it has been buried/cremated do I start to believe a character's Really Dead, all things being equal.

Typically, I would have preferred pretty Adam to bite the bullet than Harry, but the promo pictures give away that there's no choice. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it - especially seeing Colin and Malcolm AND RUTH!

The X-Factor had it's usual crowds of screamers, me wanting to hit the judges for smiling the non-tension and the producers for egregious use of R Kelly songs. Also, the big square diamante earrings that at least two of the singers wore offend me.

I have 2007 calendar angst. I don't know if I'm sad enough to share it.

Anyway, FYI, yesterday I posted an analysis of the results of my Big Het Poll.

uk, tv, spooks, witb, the x-factor, poptastic

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