Trying to post this quickly

Sep 18, 2006 20:49

First, I've changed my default icon to this beauty, based on my interests, made by maplest, because I've found myself using it a lot, and think it probably represents my fannish state (more multi-fannish) than the Dark Angel one. It's weird getting used to it in the corner of my eye, and if it's still sticking out at me in a week's time, I may reconsider. But I'll probably become Henry Higginsed to it.

Right, before the next ep Spooks 5-01 because no, I didn't switch to BBC3. I went to bed.

Mixed feelings - some parts were really good, others, not so much. The pacing and the vagueness of the threats and motivations, and how we pretty much got the set up via Adam's drugged up hospital bed news bulletins left me all 'Eh?' (Although they've finally started using BBC News 24 instead of Sky News. Only took them 4 yrs.) While everyone was talking about a lot of things, it felt like a fair bit of it was inorganic expositing - Juliet needing Harry to explain who Ros was and so on. The link between the crazy Lindsey Duncan character and the upcoming revolution (which never even mentioned the Royal Family and you'd have thought they might be mentioned in terms of a coup d'etat) was a bit silly. Typical Spooks way of resolving a cliffhanger, though. At least Adam had four weeks in a hospital bed before he was fully recovered. (Though ,as others have pointed out to me, who was taking care of Wes in the meantime then? Did Wes go and see his Dad in hospital and get more and more traumatised? is that why he's finally getting a nanny?)

Speeaking of traumatising, who else thought Djakharter was Jo Carter (is it a bit of subtle foreshadowing? I can see they'll play up the Adam/Ros but...) And the Latin American limp was a bit lazy...if I was planning a coup d'etat etc. etc.

Jo was actually capable of looking after REuan (Mr Bingley from the P and P film, right? Did a good job of playing young. Wanted to slap REuan for some of his ideas about his father.) But Wow. Shocker on the Jo front.

Ros could have been played by a number of oher female actresses (ones who are less square in the jaw too), but she's a mildly interesting character, although the vagueness of her father and his gang's cause irritated me. Obviously power to run things their way, but everyone was flapping about oil and terrorists and it didn't seem particularly coherent.

Ruth had her moments yay - (the final 'Harry?', and her cute hair. Maybe the worrying Harry was dead was a rejection of a first draft of the start of the ep? Zaph had a CSI moment. It all felt disjointed - much like this review but then...Colin. The way they stretched it out, from the 'running in woods = not good' on and on to the kneeling, making it look like it was an execution, and it was all full of lovely character moments and bleak and horrible. And then Malcolm's response, and I was a lot exasperated by Adam, and I think that part of my problem is that I don't want Adam to be such a POV character, I prefer it being about the department and the job, and loved evrey nod to that - they played Harry telling Ruth and Malcolm just right, with the light on her and Malcolm in the shadow and then Malcolm having the breakdown...

The revelation of who was in on the conspiracy, the dupe of Adam not being stupid enoughto fall for Ros's routine all good - especially because they played with the audience knowing more and less than the characters. Stylistically, I'm not sure that the day of the week titles added anything,especially as we started off with the four weeks. (Also Michael Collingwood - Michael Collins, obviously and the play on Colin.)

Oh, Colin.

The Jane Eyre trailer looked promising and a snippet for Robin Hood left me feeling very excited: very lit-up woman with a knife in front of a background of trees. EEEEEE!

Also: Interesting poll about how you 'store' info about fic you've read here.

uk, tv, spooks

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