Fic: Method and Motive

May 02, 2008 22:08

Title: Method and Motive
Author: kosmickway
Rated: G
Summary: Drabble. A conversation between Jack and Dexter.
A/N: My first cross-over between Dexter and Profiler. It just jumped into my head.
A/N 2: For Meg, who introduced me to Dexter.

“You’re not like anyone else I’ve ever met.”

A chuckle and a cigarette smoke exhale. “And why do you think that is?”

“Well, the fact that you’re insane might have something to do with it.”

“And you’re not?”

A head cock, curiously mechanical. “Actually, I’m not. I’m sane enough to function in normal society. I’m a sociopath- there’s a big difference between the two of us.”

“We’re the same at the core.”

A raised eyebrow. “I don’t necessarily agree with that.”

“Don’t you? You love the art of the kill. You take pride in your work. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t keep the things you do.” Nicotine-stained fingers reach for the bowl of Cheetos.

“My slides aren’t trophies. They’re monuments. I kill for a higher purpose. I kill those who deserve it.”

“I know you do. And so do I.”

“All of your victims deserved to die?”

“They were all in the way of the thing I wanted. So, yes, they did.”

“And you wanted-“

“What every man wants- a good woman by his side.” Fingers, licked clean of orange powder, rise to touch full lips, imagining a woman’s red mouth on his.

“I don’t necessarily agree with that either.”

“You’re very smooth, aren’t you? Very calculated. In a way, I pity you. You don’t burn. You don’t ache. You don’t savor. You’re just a blank slate, wiped clean of emotion. Tabula rasa, tabula rasa, tabula rasa.”

“And in a way I envy you, because you do burn. You’re right- I don’t feel. I can’t. I can approximate emotion- but I’ll never feel it.”

“Pinnochio, then. A little wooden boy, longing to be real.”

“And that makes you-“

“Nothing. There is no counterpart to me. I am like nothing you’ve ever seen or heard of before.”

A long pause. More smoke.

“We could have fun together, you and I. Make a splash- a big one.”

An automatic shake of the head. “I work alone. By necessity, and by choice. And so do you. You just wanted to know what my answer would be.”

Another chuckle and a match flare. “Very good. You don’t disappoint.” A leer in the other man’s direction. “I’ll be watching you.”

crossovers, fanfic, kosmickway

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