Descent Into Darkness - Part 4 - Jack/Samantha Fanfiction

May 01, 2008 22:20

Title: Descent Into Darkness
Author: M. Elizabeth Ravensblood
Rating: NC-17, Sexuality & Violence
Pairing: Jack/Samantha, minor Jack/OC
Summary: Pre-series. Marriage wasn't all that Albert Jackson Newquay had hoped for but considering how his marriage had come about, it was hardly surprising. A few hundred miles away a newly married Samantha Waters finds wedded bliss isn't all she'd hoped for either. When a twist of fate brings Jack and Samantha together, they embark on a twisted affair that changes their lives...
Author's Notes: This is a very different approach to Jack in that I gave him a wife. There is some minor sexuality between Jack and his wife but the story is very much about Jack/Samantha. Later sections will contain some warnings as the story will show Jack's transition into a serial killer and also have some envelope pushing sex scenes. Previous Parts: 1, 2, & 3

The weeks following the funeral were a mixed blessing for Jack. Grief had diminished Victoria's passion and had left him with more freedom which Jack was enjoying tremendously. On the other hand, the guilt he felt over not being able love his wife had grown considerably now that he was the only family she had left. Surely there had to be something he could do for her without losing all of the benefit her grief had wrought.

After considering the matter, Jack had an idea. Making an earlier night than usual, he joined his wife in bed. Drawing her close Jack proposed, "Victoria, what would you say to a change of scenery? I hate seeing you so miserable, perhaps we need a bit of time away from Savannah."


"We could go back to Florida," Jack offered.

"I don't feel much like sand and sun," Victoria replied and patted his hand reassuringly.

"Europe? We could spend the winter in Paris. Or perhaps Italy? Lake Como is lovely this time of year and we would be near La Scala, we could-"

Sighing Victoria shook her head, "I know you're trying to help, but I don't think going to Europe will work. My parents took me on a grand tour for my sweet sixteen. Not to mention, I hate going to the opera."

"You never mentioned it," Jack said, his brow furrowing. Trying to find something that would please her, he suggested, "Why don't you pick a place? Anywhere in the world, you have but to name it. I think it would do you some good to have something else to think about for a while. Surely there's somewhere you've always wanted to go. Or someplace that makes you happy that doesn't have too many memories?"

"Well, I guess-" she trailed off in thought. For several moments she was silent, then her face brightened slightly and she hesitated, "Virginia?"

"Virginia?" Jack repeated in surprise.

"Well, a lot my girlfriends from Hollis got married and settled down in Virginia after college. It would be nice to have some of my friends around me. They're not family of course but-" she trailed off.

But it would provide Victoria with a small measure of comfort, Jack mentally supplied. It wasn't the first place he choose to take her or even the second or third. However, it would make her happy and help him to gain some freedom. At the wedding she'd had a ridiculous number of bridesmaids most of whom she said were friends from college, so that would mean that his wife would have lots of social opportunities. Aside from the occasional dinner party, his time would be his own once more.

Feeling like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, Jack smiled. "I think Virginia is a good idea."


"You need the distraction and could use some friends around you."

"True," Victoria agreed. Then her expression shifted as she asked, "But what about you? You don't have any friends in Virginia."

"I'll be fine. It would be a relief to me to see you smile once again," Jack assured her. When she still looked unconvinced he kissed her and added, "Besides, I'll have you with me and you're the only friend I'll need."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to go for a little while."

"Excellent. Now close your eyes and in the morning I'll start making the necessary arrangements," Jack instructed soothingly.

As his wife slowly drifted off, Jack stared into the darkness. Victoria would soon be occupied and hopefully a great deal happier. Even though he didn't think he would ever love her, he was fond of her. A change of scenery would hopefully help Victoria cope with her grief and perhaps it would help him to find a new passion to fill the emptiness. There had to be something to fill his days and occupy his mind, Jack decided as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

In the morning Jack met with his father to discuss their plans and to determine what if any funds his father was willing to release. Although Victoria's parents had left their entire estate to them, Jack felt his family should help pay the expenses of the marriage they had pushed.. His father had no objections to his proposal and agreed to fund their move.

"What's this about moving?" Miriam demanded from the doorway of the study.

"Albert wants to take the little woman to Virginia. Seems she's upset over the death of the Kingstons."

"Virginia?! That's much too far away. Can't her doctor just give her some Valium?"

"Mother," Jack said in a disapproving tone as Miriam came into the room and took a seat beside him at the desk.

"Well I think it's awfully selfish of her to take you so far away from your parents and-"

"And I would stop right there, Miriam. You recommended her to the boy."

" Just because she lost her family, that's no excuse to break up mine."

"Victoria is my wife, which means I am her family," Jack pointed out with an exasperated sigh.

"She's your family," Miriam echoed in a hurt tone and clutched dramatically at her heart.

"You said you wanted me to have the responsibility of a family and now I do. It's not going to be a permanent move. Just an extended vacation while Victoria deals with her grief."

"Not if we refuse to pay for this extended vacation," Miriam informed him.

"Fine with me," Jack shrugged carelessly and lit a cigarette. Exhaling slowly, he laughed and drawled, "Victoria's parents left us very well off. Write me out of the will, strike my name from the Bible and tell me to never return. I'll just head over to the Kingston's lawyer and see about-"

"There's no need for that," his father interjected and gave Miriam a meaningful look. "It's admirable you're taking care of your wife. Of course we'll give you money."

Jack took a drag from his cigarette to suppress a grin of triumph. His mother might be controlling and domineering and often cowed his father into submission; but the thought of the money leaving the family and their reputation blackened by their own son was enough to make Jack's father take action. Miriam scowled as her husband wrote Jack a large bank draft but made no further protests.

"Take care, son, " his father said as Jack took the paper and rose to leave.

"I will, Sir."

"But what will you do in Virginia?" Miriam protested.

"Who knows? Maybe I'll find meaning in my life," Jack replied airily.

"That seems unlikely."

"Good-bye, Mother. I'm off to find my destiny."

Leaving his parents' home, Jack headed across town to make the rest of the arrangements. Soon he and Victoria would be off to Virginia and whatever destiny awaited them there.

fanfic, jack/sam, m_ravensblood

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