2011 and baby stuff!

Dec 31, 2010 12:05

Laying in bed last night, Kiera was rolling around all over the place. I put my phone on my belly and watched it flop around and move up and down as she danced inside my belly. It was an amazing moment and Gene just kept saying Wow! I never experienced this with Zoey at all. She stayed low and transverse my entire pregnancy and I only felt her move internally a few times, never once externally. I never even had a "belly" with her either. This time I do and wow, talk about an uncomfortable pregnancy! So over it and ready to have this little girl in my arms.

Can't believe 2010 is already about over. It flew. What a crazy roller coaster of a year. We had a great year but my parents had a rough one as far as their health goes. Ready to get our Christmas decor put away and start this year off right! Hopefully in 2011 I can lose some weight, save some money, declutter and stay sane with a toddler and an infant :)

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