Big girl bed

Dec 27, 2010 23:39

So my wonderful husband got Zoey's armoire anchored to the wall and put together the baby gate on her door. We decided tonight was the night and put her to bed in her big girl bed. It took over an hour to get her to sleep and us going back in her room multiple times to console a crying little girl. Sucked. I keep telling myself it will get better because she can't sleep in a crib FOREVER. Right? We need the crib for the baby anyway and I'd rather her be used to sleeping in a big girl bed before the baby comes because I don't want to seal with that and a baby at the same time. It's bad enough that I'm going to have an infant and have to deal with potty training simultaneously lol

Supposed to be cleaning because we have family coming in town but I just cannot motivate myself. Tomorrow is looking to be a very busy day.

Pregnancy- blah! Zoey's was so easy. This time, not so much. Achey hips, swelling, exhaustion, heartburn... I am one cranky lady!

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