[MEXICO] Flying High

Nov 23, 2008 11:00

Who: Riley & Evie
Where: En route to Mexico
When: Saturday
Follows: Nothing

Riley hated flying. He was lucky to not get motion sickness, but this time he'd drugged himself up on motion sickness pills, so he seemed okay so far. The whole flying thing never went down well and he wriggled in his seat to look around the cabin. Across the aisle to his left, Pat and Aiden were making out with such enthusiasm, Pat had somehow ended up in Aiden's lap. Across the other aisle, Luke was meticulously scrolling through his iPod while Tab leaned over him to try and see how the window. In front of them, Tara was trying to get her hand down a sleeping Lachlan's pants while he slept on obliviously. It was all very much their bunch.

He wriggled again and then turned to Evie. "Are we there yet?"

[plot] mexico trip, [who] riley, [ship] riley/evie, [location] mexico, [who] evie

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