[MEXICO] The honeymoon phase

Nov 23, 2008 22:02

Who: Pat & Aiden
Where: Mexico
When: Saturday afternoon
Follows: THIS

Aiden was grinning as he took in the sprawling pool and resort before them. "This is fucking fantastic!" he declared, already enjoying the sun on his skin having gotten down to his board shorts in the hotel room before they venture out to explore the resort. He was toned and tanned from the interior of a gym and sunbed, but nothing more. "To think, I can't even remember the last time I had a holiday and even then it was skiing with Harri in Aspen, not a grain of sand in sight. This is going to be great!"

He looked back at Pat, excitedly reaching for his hand. Pat had opted for a light loose white button-up shirt and soft pink shorts with flip-flops. He also had a Liverpool United cap on his head, the team his brother played English football for. "What do you want to do first, beautiful?"

[plot] mexico trip, [who] pat, [ship] aiden/pat, [who] aiden, [location] mexico

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