(no subject)

Jul 31, 2011 12:00

Right, so I have not posted anything in two weeks. I also have not busked in two weeks. Partially I was burnt out from Bluesfest, partially I have been freaking busy and so when I have a day I spend it running around getting errands done, and.... probably other reasons. Mostly I feel like I have been working a bunch. I should really be busking today, since it is Buskerfest this weekend, but I have not got to (properly) sleep in for ages, I have a million things to get done before I leave for Yellowknife and I have to do family stuff for my mum's birthday in a bit. I also have moral qualms about Buskerfest. Ottawa screws over its street performers. They do nothing to encourage them. And then, once a year, they bring performers in from everywhere else and make money off of them. Fuck the fact that I entertain people on Sparks street all summer! If I tried to busk today and they noticed I was not invited? (Invited!) They would ask me to leave, and if I didn't they could give me a fine. This angers me. (Also I am lazy and don't feel like busking today).

So I leave for Yellowknife on Tuesday. Three days on a bus there, three days on a bus back. 8 days working on a farm. I am pretty excited. Even for the bus ride. I am going to get SO MUCH reading done. Hopefully finish biology, hopefully start working on my project. Forced productivity! What else am I going to do?

ottawa, buskerfest, busking, yellowknife, travel, licence

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