A Note:

Aug 07, 2011 00:11

72 hours is much much longer than 43. (43 hours being the length of the bus ride from Vancouver to Whitehorse, over 72 being the ride from Ottawa to Yellowknife)

So, Yellowknife will have to wait until I have money for a flight or (more likely) I find myself in Alberta with time for the trip. But! Rather than let my lovely discovery pass go to waste, I am heading to Boston for a few days starting on Thursday. Get my tattoo and experience one of the most culturally important cities in American history. Neat!

Also, it's hot as balls here right now and so busking is at a bare minimum. Heat-stroke is unpleasant and not worth the coins I would earn. (Tomorrow is supposed to feel like 37º and thunderstorm all day, so I doubt I will make it out. Bah.)

summer, busking, boston, yellowknife, travel

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