it's my birthday in 2 days. i like my birthday because it's one of the very few days in the year where i don't feel guilty and/or lazy for doing whatever i feel like. i can actually revel in feeling happy, relaxed, spoiled, special, and/or any of the other ways i'm made to feel on my birthday. it's also mainly just an excuse to eat a lot of pastry.
i'm sort of surprised by how old i am number-wise, because i certainly don't feel my age. i don't think it's immaturity -- i'm pretty sure i'm just on very good terms with my inner child -- but the number of candles on the cake would most certainly not reflect the age in which i think and feel. if anything, i feel younger than i have in years, now that my back is healing and i'm not hobbling around everywhere.
my parents are taking me to lunch on saturday at the pelican inn. i think this is appropriate, seeing as how the subject of marriage was finally broached between myself and my mother, and i want to get married at the pelican inn if/when the time comes, so time to lay some groundwork! also, it's been my most favorite place ever since they had my 16th birthday lunch there, so yay tradition.
sunday is, of course, the big day, and danny has one very magical activity planned *voodoo hands* as well as dinner, which is usually at
harris' although this year i'd be open to
the buckeye. one of my clients gave me a really nice bottle of authentic french wine, so we'll be drinking that - i'm very excited!
new years was nice and calm. takahiro made a meal with at least 5 courses, though they were all served at once, and colin grilled ribeyes that were as thick as paperback books. takahiro's boss' boss was also over, so we didn't play WoW like i'd hoped, and the new years toast was rather minimal -- but it was a fun, successful dinner party and we learned what it takes to get aiden to sleep overnight somewhere else (very valuable). new years day we went down and saw dave and tera in monterey; joe was there too, so we had lunch at pf chang's (because i'd never been there) then took aiden to ocean beach in carmel. we hadn't slept much the night before, and there was lots of driving, so we were pretty zonked last night, but being social is a good thing.
i'm working today, then going to the bank, then heading home to clean up a bit. i also need to work on my list of New Year Activities. these are like resolutions, except instead of being wishy washy open ended half promises, it's a list of things that need to be achieved with the goal of helping life run more smoothly.
love kittie