Sep 15, 2008 13:09
wrath of the lich king is slated for street release on november 13, 2008. we'll see how that goes. blizzard has never had an issue in the past with delaying release dates if they feel they're on shaky ground; then again, the burning crusade taught them a lot about rolling out new content, and they didn't have to install all the crazy new things like flight ability.
based on the beta, and how the beta has been working, and based on blizzcon, i have a good feeling they'll actually ship. however, on the flip side, based on what i've seen in the beta, things might be a wee bit buggy the first few weeks.
my only concern is being able to pre-order the special edition box set of WotLK. it's not easy to do. i might actually have to walk into a gamestop... oo. scary. /shudder.
between saturday and this morning, most of my week booked up, work-wise, and that's a good thing. i'm solid from monday through wednesday, and there's a 50/50 chance for friday. but even if i don't drive to palo alto on friday, i have a few hours of internet research i can do, so that's better than nothing.
also, wednesday is my next capoeira class. i'm not nearly so nervous, since i'll be attending properly attired, and mentally prepped. however, my cardiovascular system still isn't up to par. and i still need sport tape. and, i need to pray that a drugstore will have an OTC inhaler.
and now, i suppose i should, you know, work. hehe.
love kitie
to do,