Aug 13, 2007 14:52
danny and i are going to the gym tomorrow! i'm excited to start exercising again. granted, we're using the housing community gym, but it's not crappy and we're paying for it, so... why not? i figure i have a much better chance of working out if i don't have to drive, bike and/or jog to the gym. i'm taking chaszey's advice and, rather than setting specific workout goals, i'm simply focusing on *going* and maybe, once i get used to going, i can set more specific fitness goals. all i know is, i don't want to quit before the benefits really start to develop, and since i get discouraged easily, just going should be easy enough to accomplish. ^_^
in any case, i can hardly exercise *less* at this point. pretty much anything will benefit me. and that is encouraging.
it's weird how we often get what we ask for in life, without recognizing that our requests are granted. after blizzcon all i wanted was a break, to recover from the constant movement and travel; i wanted to keep working, i just wanted some down time. koji had to go to japan at the last minute, and he's gone all this week... i didn't think about it until just now, but i sure did get my down time, and i'm still working, albeit from home.
i do wish i knew how things were going in japan. koji hasn't emailed me yet -- but he and the future trust staff tend to go out and have a good time when he's over there, and it was the weekend so... here's to hoping everything is going well.
love kittie
future trust,