Masterlist - My Primeval Fanfics

Dec 31, 2015 12:05

Welcome to my journal!

Please note that only my fics are public.  My other posts are locked and only viewable to people I add as friends - some things need to be kept private ;)

My fics are Connor/Abby unless otherwise stated

In chronological order:

A Valentines Day Massacre (PG)
Connor is finally going to tell Abby how he feels about her.

Spiralling (18)
It's Abby's wedding day, and Connor has to face up to the fact its not him that she is marrying.

The Award (PG)
The University want to present an award in Cutter's name, but who should represent him?

The Blog (18)
Abby discovers Connor's videoblogs and realises just how he feels about her.

Bloodlines (15)
When Connor is diagnosed with a life threatening illness, his life is turned upside down.  However, there are more twists around the corner that will change his live forever.

Misunderstanding (18)
Connor doesn't understand why he can't do anything right in Abby's eyes.

The Switch
Part one (15)   Part Two (18)   Part Three (18)
Abby and Connor black out after returning through an anomaly, but when they regain consciousness, things are not as they should be.  (part 3 was written by casy_dee)

Saving the Future (15)
The date on the calendar is 28th January 2015, today is the day Connor Temple will destroy the ARC.

My Immortal (PG)
A sequel to "Spiralling".  Abby is struggling to come to terms with Connor's death.

Too Late
Part one (PG)   Part Two (PG)   Part Three (15)   Part Four (PG)
Abby has a feeling something bad is about to happen.  Will she be in time to stop it?

Couvade Syndrome (PG)
Connor hasn't been feeling well since they came back from the Cretaceous

Part One (PG)   Part Two (PG)    Part Three (PG)
Danny, Connor and Abby finally make it to the anomaly that brings them home, but something goes terribly wrong when Abby tries to go through

Therapy (18) Abby has developed a phobia of water since she was taken by the Mer creature, can Connor help her overcome it?

Forever is Over?
Part One (15)   Part Two (PG)  Part Three (15)  Part Four (15)
Connor and Abby are splitting up

Mother's Day (PG)
A Helen Cutter story, set in the early days of her disappearance.

Seven Days
Part One (PG)   Part Two (PG)   Part Three (PG)    Part Four (PG)   Part Five (PG)    Part Six (PG)
Just how far would Connor go to save Abby's life?

Little Gifts (PG)
Abby and Connor are in the Cretaceous, and Connor realises it's Abby's birthday.

Snowbound (18)
Abby and Connor are snowed in at the ARC, just how will they entertain themselves?

She Makes Him Smile (PG)
A fluffy little ficlet

Part One (18Part Two (18)
Connor befriends a small boy that comes through an anomaly, forcing Abby to face the demons of her past.

A Passionate Man (18)
Connor and Abby are clearing out Connor's Grandmother's house.

Out of the Shade (PG)
Was it love? Abby wasn't sure.

Welcome Home! (18)
Abby and Connor are finally home after months in the Cretaceous.  (Threesome)

Revenge of the Geek
Part one (PGPart two (PG)  Part three (PG)
Connor has it all, great job, respect and a gorgeous girlfriend.  It's all about to shatter around him

Splat! (U)
Drabble challenge 157 - Cake

The Wedding Guests (18)
Connor takes Abby to a family wedding

The Only Man on Earth
Part one (18)   Part two (15)   Part three PG   Part four PG  Part five (PG)
Connor doesn't know where he fits in at the new ARC, and is growing frustrated that no-one is looking for Danny

Together (15)
Set on the third day that Abby and Connor are in the Cretaceous, and the reality of their situation is slowly dawning on them

Moment in Time (PG)
Drabble Challenge 160: Picture prompt

Parenting (PG)
Abby gets an early morning call to come and tend to a sick creature at the ARC

Come Hell or High Water (PG)
Connor to the rescue!

Part one(PG)     Part two (PG)     Part three(PG)     Part four(PG)
Connor befriends a man who could be Danny's long lost brother - pre slash

Part one(PG)   Part two(PG)   Part three(PG)   Part four(PG)
Connor is left behind when an anomaly mission goes wrong, and Danny makes a difficult decision

Beyond Amnesia (18)
Sequel to "Amnesia", Danny/Abby/Connor ... slash, het, and threesome smut

More (18)
Sequel to "Beyond Amnesia", only published on Danny/Abby

The Secret Package (18)
What is in the package that has just been delivered for Abby? Smut

Scars (15)
It would the emotional scars that would tear him apart.  Connor, Becker.  Character death

Part one (PG)   Part two (PG)    Part three (PG)   Part four (PG)
Now that Abby has kissed Connor, will they finally be together?

Achilles Heel
Part One (PG)   Part Two (PG)   Part Three (PG)   Part Four (PG)   Part Five (PG)
This is a sequel to "Mother's day" - Helen decides its time to go looking for her son, turning the life of one of the ARC team upside down

Stargazing (PG)
A little bit of Connor/Abby fluff... inspired by "When you wish upon a star"

Betrayal (18)
Abby's about to committ the ultimate sin... (Abby/Becker)

All in the Mind
Part one (15)    Part two (15)    Part three (15)   part four (PG)
When Connor and Abby return from the Cretaceous, Connor struggles to readjust back into normal life and is heading for a very dark place.

I don't wanna be friends (PG)
Drabble challenge #176 Bad Romance

Protection (18)
Drabble challenge #176 Bad Romance  (Connor/Helen)

Gone (PG)
Drabble challenge #177 Hospital

Home (U)
Drabble challenge #177 Hospital

Stuck in the Pliocene
Part one (PG)  Part two (18)  part three(PG)
Set in an AU for the end of series 3 - Connor goes after Helen Cutter and is trapped on the wrong side of the anomaly with her - Non Con/rape  (Connor/Helen)

If (U)
Drabble challenge #179 the road not taken

Think of a Happy Place (18)
In the Cretaceous, Connor is feeling down so Abby tries to help him

Ten Years (PG)
Never posted this on the Comms, its a personal reflection written on the 10th Anniversary of my mum's death - seen through the eyes of Connor.

For All the Right Reasons
Part one (PG)   Part two (PG)
Abby makes a rash decision about the right way to deal with a creature, leaving her at odds with Connor

Leaving it Behind (PG)
Drabble challenge #181 Goodbye

The End (PG)
Drabble challenge #181 Goodbye

Lessons in the Ancient Arts (18)
Abby teaches Connor how to kickbox, with some interesting results

Cosy (PG)
Connor is sick.

Cold Coffee (PG)
Written for the Autumn 2010 Primevalathon - Connor is leaving to help the German Anomaly team; will Abby let him go?

The Girl in the Green Dress (PG)
Written as a pinch hit for the Autumn 2010 Primevalathon - Abby has always hated funfairs because of something that happened in her past

Punishment (18)
Abby and Connor find some interesting objects in Danny's flat

Our Place
Part one (PG)   Part two(PG)  Part three (PG)
Connor goes undercover at a dig where objects are uncovered that don't belong together

Lest We Forget (U)
Drabble challenge #184 Special forces (Becker)

Incomplete Love (18)
Abby finds everything she could want in a man ... in two men (Connor/Abby and Danny/Abby)

Mirror Image
Part one (18)  Part two (18)
Abby is concerned when Connor is found unconcious at an anomaly, and grows even more concerned when he comes around and says his name is Hatter.  Crossover with "Alice".  (Abby/Hatter)  (Abby/Connor)  (Hatter/Abby/Connor)

Almost (PG)
Abby and Connor deal with their grief in the aftermath of Cutter's death

Like Father, Like Son (U)
Drabble challenge #185 Children

Connor de Bergerac
Part one (PG)  Part two (18)
...or How Danny helps Connor seduce Abby  (Danny/Connor/Abby) From the prompt "the right way to treat a girl")

Thread of Hope (PG)
Connor or the ARC? What will Abby choose?

Knickerbocker Glory (18)
Abby has the perfect recipe for Connor's birthday treat

Changing Room (18)
There are some perks to working at the ARC

Merry Christmas Connor (PG)
Connor makes a difficult decision, so Abby tries to make it a Christmas to remember

Home Truths
Part one (PG)     Part two (PG)     Part three (PG)
Stranded millions of years from home, Danny Quinn reflects on his life - and then he is rescued by a mysterious man from the future.  (Danny, Abby, Patrick Quinn, OC)

Four of Us (18)
When Connor agrees to a threesome, Abby hadn't bargained on him not being able to decide between Becker or Danny for the 3rd party ...  Abby/Connor/Becker/Danny

Roomies (15)
Abby and Connor find their new living arrangements with Jess aren't quite working out

Reflections (PG)
After her debrief interview, Abby reflects on her situation

Contact (18)
Words aren't necessary for two people who feel completely alone (Danny/Abby)

One Good Turn... (18)
After Lester saves the menagerie, Abby says thank you in her own way (Abby/Lester)

Collide (18)
Connor had finally had enough of always being the one in the wrong

Dirty.Filthy.Sexy (18)
Danny's back and Abby and Connor welcome him.  (threesome, Abby/Connor/Danny)

Future Foe Scenario
Part one (PG)    Part two (PG)     Part three (15)    Part four (15)
Danny returns, bringing revelations from the future (gen fic with leaning towards Abby/Connor)

The Price of Love (18)
Abby is kidnapped and Lester says "the government does not negotiate with terrorists"

The Morning After the Night Before: Abby's Story (18)
A pre-series ficlet, exploring a possible back story for Abby

The Morning After the Night Before: Connor's Story (15)
A pre-series ficlet, exploring a possible back story for Connor

Just Perfect (PG)
written for the Valentines day Baby!fic challenge

A Fate Worse Than Death (18)
Alone and millions of years from home, Danny finally makes a difficult decision - character death (Danny)

Understanding (15)
Missing scene from 4x07, the revelations that Danny now faces are almost too much (Abby/Danny)

Part 1(18)   Part 2(18)
Abby and Matt are stranded overnight (Abby/Matt)

In Denial - Matt/Abby romantic drabble series
Part 1 - A Bad Start (PG)
Part 2 - Sheltering (PG)
Part 3 - Warmth (PG)
Part 4 - One Good Reason (15)
Part 5 - Joining (18)
Part 6 - The Morning After (18)

Watching (18)
drabble challenge #200 (past prompts, choice #7 "betrayal") Connor, Matt/Abby

Revenge (18)
drabble challenge #200 (past prompts choice #131 "new pairings") Connor/Jess - sequel to "Watching"

The Right Moment (15)
Abby has something important to tell Connor, but finding the right moment is difficult

Back to the Start (PG)
There's only one way Connor can put all the wrongs right - go back to before it all started.

One Night (15)
drabble challenge #201 "sleep" Matt/Abby

Tasty Roots, Yummy  Bulbs (PG)
An AU fic set after Connor and Abby return from the Cretaceous - what would have happened if they didn't get their jobs back?

Animal Instinct (18)
Only posted part 1 on here, the full fic is on "Animals do what their instincts tell them, I like that." Abby had said.  Will Abby and Matt succomb to what their own instincts are telling them?

Fresh Blossom (PG)Blossoming (18)
Only published on, A broken heart, a blossoming romance and secrets revealed.  Matt/Abby

One of our own
Part 1 (18)    Part 2 (18)
Burton thinks Abby is too much of a distraction, and has sinister ways of persuading her to stay away (Non-Con  Abby/Burton)

Twisted Lines (PG) drabble challenge #206 "Matt Anderson" - a backstory for Matt with a twist

Be Myself (18)
Five years on, and Connor is struggling to find himself

Parallel Lives (15) C
onnor returns from an anomaly to find that Abby is no longer part of the ARC team and no-ones heard of her.

With this ring... (PG)
drabble challenge #208 "getting married"

Consequences (PG)
drabble challenge #209 "damaged" - Matt Anderson reflects on what it means to be living in a time that isn't your own

It Must be Love (15)
"It doesn't like me, it's threatened by me. It senses I'm the alpha male." How wrong could Becker be?

Renatus (PG)
In the aftermath of tragic events, Connor feels the need to do something

Crying in the Rain (PG)
If I wait for stormy skies, you won't know the rain from the tears in my eyes - Abby one-shot

The Visitor (PG)
Working in his lab late one night, Connor is visited by an old friend who gives him a wake up call.

Restless (18)
Abby can't sleep on the board the submarine, and seeks the company of Officer Sam Leonard  Abby/Sam smut

Forgiveness (18)
With all the secrets and lies finally out in the open, Matt, Abby and Connor seek forgiveness from each other. Threesome smut Abby/Connor/Matt

Double Trouble (18)
Foursome smut - Abby/Connor/Matt/Matt

Wiped (15)
Part One     Part Two    Part Three    Part Four    Part Five
Simon Jones wakes up after being in a coma for three months.  He has no recollection of who he is - and then the nightmares begin; monsters, glowing lights... and a blonde girl who won't leave him alone.  Could she hold the key to his past?

Coming Home (18)
A sequel to "Wiped", Connor is finally home, but the road to recovery is a long one

Gemini (15)
A dark, tragic secret from Connor's past comes back to haunt him on what should be one of the happiest days of his life

Breaking the Rules (PG)
Prompt - A kiss whilst hiding under someone's bed

The Meaning of Together (PG)
For my 100th fic, I decided to go back to where I started, Abby and Connor in the Cretaceous

Forever (PG)
An open letter from Abby to Connor (character death)

Impatient (PG)
drabble challenge #227 "stuff professionalism"  Jess/Becker

Lies, Doubts and Confessions
Part one (15)   Part two (15)   Part three (15)   Part four (15)
Abby's Step Father turns up out of the blue, causing Abby and Connor to argue over the way to handle the situation - and then the Step Father is found murdered in his hotel room...

Approval (PG)
drabble challenge #228 "menagerie"  Lester & Becker

An Ark within the ARC (PG)
drabble challenge #228 "menagerie" Matt

Reconciliation (PG)
In the aftermath of series 5, Connor seeks forgiveness from someone he feels he has betrayed

A Kind of Magic (PG)
drabble challenge #232 "magic" Emily

Moonshine (15)
Connor has made a special gift for Abby - Cretaceous fic

Bodies (PG)
drabble challenge #233 "Natural History Museum" - Lester with references to Connor/Abby

Eighteen (18)
Abby is finally about to fulfil her fantasy of an orgy with 18 different versions of Connor

Albatross (18)
The weight of Abby's guilt leads her into Matt's arms (Matt/Abby)

Once Upon a Full Moon (18)
There are bad memories and there are good memories

A New World (PG)
Part One    Part Two    Part Three   Part Four    Part Five
Danny Quinn steps through an anomaly and into modern day Vancouver - finding himself caught up in the Canadian anomaly research.  (Mostly Danny, with some Connor/Abby)

Hart Breaker (PG)
drabble challenge #238 "Stephen Hart"

Toys R Us (PG)
drabble challenge #241 "toys"

Sometime Around Midnight (PG)
It's New Year's Eve, and Abby had hoped there would be no more secrets between them.

Sometime Around Dawn (18)
Smutty sequel to Sometime Around Midnight

Truth Hurts (15)
Abby has been keeping the real events surrounding Tom's death a secret until her nightmares force her to think about them again.  The truth will devastate Connor; can she tell him?

Rainbow Skye (PG)
Part one    Part two    Part three    Part four
A late night conversation between Cutter and Abby reveals a secret from the past that draws them together

Fantasy Woman (18)
Connor awakes in the middle of the night after an erotic dream

A Series of Unfortunate Accidents (15)
Connor is having a really bad day

Not what it looks like (18)
Part One    Part Two    Epilogue
Abby is about to discover something in Connor's lab that will tear apart their relationship

Found (PG)
Drabble challenge #216 Subterranean  (Matt  backstory)

Breakthrough (PG)
Drabble challenge #249 Hidden in plain sight (Matt backstory)

Winds of Change (PG)
Part One   Part Two    Part Three    Part Four
100 hundred years in the future, the Earth is barren.  Hope arrives in the form of a baby called Matthew.  (Matt backstory)

Aftershock (15)
Part One   Part Two   Part Three   Part Four   Part Five   Part Six   Part Seven
Written for "AngstBigBang"...  Destroying New Dawn should have prevented the future that Matt was from, it didn't.  The future is here. Now.

Missing (PG)
Drabble challenge #256 Good things come to those who wait (Rex)

Footprints on the Beach (PG)
Connor returns to the beach where he spent time with his father as a child.

Towards a New World (18)
After New Dawn, the ARC is forced to make changes.  With research suspended, where does that leave Connor when new roles are assigned?

The Settling of the Dust (15)
As the dust settles on a difficult day...

Moving on (18)
(only on  Abby moves to Vancouver to forget her failed engagement Abby/Evan (Primeval: New World)

Wonderland (18)
Leia has a new obsession, Alice in Wonderland, and wants to host her own tea party (Triptychverse)

Bulletproof (PG)
drabble challenge #260 "Shoot to kill"

Just Roomies? (18)
Part One   Part Two
Jess catches Connor coming out of the shower, wet and naked.  It sparks off a fantasy ...  Abby/Connor/Jess

Hoops (18)
Abby likes to watch Connor work, it's what he gets up to when he thinks no-one is looking that amuses her.

The Ginger Cat (PG)
Part One     Part Two     Part Three     Part Four    Part Five
Faced with a glimpse of their future, Connor and Abby are forced to deal with demons from their past

Feels like Home (PG)
The ARC's gone public, and with that comes media interest... and fangirls

Great Minds (PG)
Two lonely people who finally decide they should be together

Out of the Blue (PG)
Drabble challenge #276  "Unexpected" pairing: Abby/Matt

Services No Longer Required (PG)
Drabble challenge #277 "Collateral damage"  Connor, Philipns

Going Up (18)
Connor and Abby move into their new flat on the top floor

The Lady and The Captain (18)
The night shift gives Becker time to reflect on what he has lost, and finds something new.  Becker/Emily

Shadows of You (PG)
Part One   Part Two   Part Three   Part Four     Part Five     Part Six   Part Seven   Part Eight
It was the phone call Abby had been dreading from the moment Connor boarded his flight to Vancouver

More Questions Than Answers  (PG)
Evan reflects on the recent events - Primeval: New World, Evan Cross. Only posted on

Insanity (PG)
Drabble challenge #287 "Silence" - Danny Quinn

primeval, fic masterlist

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