Title: Like Father, Like Son
Author: Prehistoric Cat
Rating: U
Characters: The Temple-Maitland children (Sarah, Tom & Nick) , Abby
Genre: Not quite sure ?
Challenge: #185 "Children" on
primeval100 Disclaimer: The three children are my creations, Abby is not, no copyright intended
A/N. Apologies in advance to certain people ;) I'm in a slightly twisted mood tonight and couldn't resist. *evil grin* Please don't hate me.
Sarah Temple-Maitland smiled at her two brothers. Aged seven, she'd already realised the advantages of having her own personal bodyguards.
Tom was bright and could outsmart anyone. He had a comeback or revenge plan for anyone that dared hurt his little sister. Abby would often say he was just like his father as she ruffled his dark hair.
Nick, the oldest, was the brawn of the family. He was tall and moody looking and his presence alone struck fear into any would-be bully. Abby also said he was like his father, smiling knowingly at his unruly crop of ginger hair.