Induction ?

Mar 21, 2012 00:51

Hey ladies. Apols for grammar, brevity, etc. Have been admitted to hospital overnight due to increases in bp - one of 140/100 but back to 120/80 now - and protein in urine i.e. Borderline pre-e.

I am also 40+5 and have had plenty of bh but no real contractions or anything resembling early labour.

My instinct is to resist induction - increased intervention rates etc. - but as time is ticking on, I'm starting to wonder if I should just get on - even without strong clinical indications, more like keep an eye on it - and go for the induction.

Note that my mw, community based, isn't pushing me towards induction. But I am now in the hospital so am up against a lot of white coats!

I have looked through the induction tag, avoiding failed induction tbh, but wondered if anyone here wanted to share their thoughts, decision-making processes, insights, when faced with a similar situation.

I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

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pre-eclampsia, induction

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