Contractions brought on by sex at 35W

Dec 12, 2011 02:26

So, I wanted to have sex tonight... (See told you, tmi)... Anyway, I was totally into it when we started foreplay. However, this is the second time we've tried to have sex in the past week and BOTH times right when I'm about to have a small O I start having contractions (prbly BH). So then I'm totally turned off, cause it hurts down there!? like.. the baby is pushing on my cervix or something cause it hurts if he "tries again" and sometimes I can't even O (this has been happening for awhile) and lube works for a minute and then it's like.. AH STOP! I'm sorry I know this is a huge TMI, but I don't know if this is normal and/or what to do or if we can even have sex anymore. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 1:30, so I will talk to my OB about it and Dr. Google is just giving me ways to induce labor!? (like seriously!?), but I wanted ur ladies opinions.. what should I do? Stop having sex altogether? I don't want to!? My brain still wants it and I'm sexually frustrated!, but it's like my body is saying "NO!".. or atleast the baby is! HA!


I'm going to head to bed for now, so I will check on the post when I wake up, Thankyou ladies in advance ur a lifesaver!


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