(no subject)

Oct 29, 2010 20:04

So I was in a car accident yesterday. I rear ended someone but its HIS fault (he brake checked me...in front of a cop..smart smart man let me tell you) I was monitored for 6 hours yesterday. It should have only been 2 but I was having contractions SO I had to stay until they felt I wasn't going into labor (I could have told them I wasn't going into labor but they didnt want to listen!)

Anyways, I now have to go in for 3 NST's (One down today and she passed) And 2 over the next 2 days. I Also have to go in once a week (maybe twice a week) from now till I give birth..

Does anyone think this is excessive or is it just me? I have had NO other complications. The baby is checking out great and everything. I don't see what all the fuss is about personally. But maybe im just missing the bigger picture to something?

Another concern (well for me) is that my baby is SUPPPER LOW. well her head is at least. I mean today when they were giving me an ultra sound the tech couldn't get her head on the screen....yes that's how low she is. She even commented about how abnormally low she is (for being 30 weeks) and shed never had that happen to her before. Which has me literally FREAKING out that maybe im actually due December 6th instead of January 6th...someone please tell me im just being stupid?

x-posted to my birthing community

estimated due dates, non-stress test

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