15 сентября. Международный день свободы в образовании

Sep 15, 2014 09:11

Dear Home-educating Friends and Supporters of Freedom in Education,

The 6th International Freedom in Education Day (IFED) will take place in Europe on September 15th 2012. Activities will focus on that day. Other events will happen throughout the month of September in many countries all over the world.

The aim of IFED is to promote the importance of free choice concerning the type of education that your family chooses and to spread information about alternative ways of learning that are available or are being fought for in various countries.

Free choice in education is important in all learning situations and we welcome and invite alternative movements in education, learning organisations, schools and, of course, parents and children, to take part in this global event.

On this website we will publish all the information and/or links to events on or around September 15th (conferences, gatherings, education fairs, etc.), where ever they may take place and in any language. So please send us your projected events.

IFED was originally initiated by home educators, which itself includes a wide variety of choices in education and methods. This choice is often legally possible but not well-known in most countries, and constantly under attack by those who think that the state alone should decide where and what children should learn.

We will also post links to other websites and announcements in other countries. If your native language is not English, French, German, Italian or Spanish, please send us a short English description and in your native language, of your event that you would like placed on the website.


семья, образование, стандарты, школа

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