Gallifrey 2013 Report Pt 1

May 29, 2013 12:27

Augh, finally! I gotta get this posted before I can move on!

I had wanted to leave SJC in the afternoon of Thursday but with being at a new job I thought, best not push it. So my flight was to arrive around 10:00pm, not ideal but I wouldn’t have to take more time off. Weeeell, around the time I was to leave for the airport I got a text from Southwest, flight delayed (though it was very nice that they texted!). I ended up leaving 20 min after I was already supposed to have landed. Thankfully I didn’t have to wait long at all for the shuttle to the hotel, and Lyn was waiting for me and all checked in and everything. Saw a few people, got my suitcase from
iamradar, who kindly drove it down for me, and then pretty much crashed.

(Caught her in the hallways, I thiiiink it was Friday!)

Friday morning we decided to start the weekend off with a nicely full stomach, and went to the Marriott’s breakfast buffet. Which is essentially typically overpriced hotel food, but pretty decent for what it is.
aralias was to meet us there, but apparently had a bus snafu and arrived after John had left and John #2 and Lyn were wrapping up. I went back for delicious chocolatey carbs though, so at least someone was still eating 8D Also Frazer Hines came in and sat one table over. Mark Strickson was a few tables over as well. So while we didn’t actually have any communication with them, it was neat being there. After we wrapped up it was down to the badge pickup, which was very efficiently run and took hardly any time.

(Saw her exiting the restaurant! Yay skating River :D)

To the room!

I remember we were actually in the room a fair amount of time, but I don’t recall why.
chynoi showed up and chilled with us and I believe we got dressed! Shalka gear!

I hadn’t thought this through really, but the black hair spray had worked fabulously on my (short, straight) hair when I did Shalka Doctor, so I just assumed it would work equally as fabulously on Katy’s (shoulder length, wavy/curly) hair. It is, of course, much more work to cover much more hair. Also, hair that actually touches other things, such as collars and shoulders. A lesson to me then.

Anyway, we managed to catch the end of the Finn Jones interview. I had been really hoping he would be hilarious, as many Who actors are. Possibly he was funny in the beginning, but what we saw he just seemed a little... floundery. Or not quite sure what he was doing there. Ah well. After him was Michael Jayston, who was very interesting to listen to.

Then somewhere in there
1ucifer took some pics w/ us and the TARDIS and there was the June Hudson reception! I’m going to write this lady a fan letter. Her talk was so informative, and she really knew her stuff. She had a young man with her whose name and function I didn’t catch but it seemed like knowing everything about her life and work was his life and work: every little thing she didn’t know or may not have mentioned he was only too happy to supply. She was such a doll (with a fierce fashion sense as well!) that I kept my eyes well peeled the entire rest of convention for a glimpse so I could rush over and shake her hand and get a picture with her. Alas, this never happened.

Anyway, June Hudson was probably the highlight of my con, as far as guests go. So perfectly charming and knowledgeable. Now I really want to make something she designed, simply because she designed it (though, I have been contemplating for quite some time now the whatsit aliens from The Leisure Hive, and she did design those, hmmmmm).

Maybe after that was when we took TARDIS pics. I really don’t recall.... but then
mollypocket picked me up and we had some yummy woodfired pizza and visiting <3 And when I returned, our room was on floor 1, and I had to pass the “party” room to go to it, so ended up visiting with people and releasing my leftover pizza into the wild. Or rather, into the stomachs of friends who habitually forget to eat.

gallifrey, con report, doctor who, shalka

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