Upcoming stuff!

May 13, 2013 11:03

Yay lists!

Regency Dress

Less than a week to go!

Have pics to post~ later. I have one more layer to hem, the evil layer, then just button holes and buttons and the dress is done! Then finishing trimming the shoes, which I’ve been taking pics of sooo post those later. And then making a reticule/purse :D I wanted to do a particular kind because I wanted to mimic a pattern on my sleeves but I can’t figure out how to do the piping the way I want to so I may end up doing something else...


Is the week after!

I’ll be most of the time in the artist alley helping out some friends, I don’t have a table number, but please come check us out!

I’ll be:

- Rikuou from Gouhou Drug/Lawful Drug/Legal Drug/Drug & Drop (... I just call it Drug at this point), which is awesome because it’s civvies plus an apron, a wig, and a moody expression.

- Count D from Petshop of Horrors, I maaaay bust out something new at the last minute, but if not, I made this costume back in 2005 (which was a bit sad because we had a sizable group, but a communications mishap and I never met up w/ the rest of the people ;_;). I’m really excited because I’ll have a Leon this time :D

- Maybe! Subaru from X/1999. I loooove Subaru so I’m never opposed to wearing it. But I favour the covered in blood version, which may not be best for sitting in AA... >.>

Post Fanime

The next event is a Victorian bustle picnic, which I haven’t even started sooo we’ll see. Then Comic Con, then Costume College. I really want to make some more just clothes, but we’ll see. Also! Post Fanime I really hope to work on my website :D AJ coded and made it beautiful and awesome and I haven’t even touched it yet ;_;
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