A week in the life (not even remotely close)

Dec 29, 2012 09:47

Aaaaugh, so, I'm going to start anew with this daily photo thing in January. It's fitting and all.

In lieu of that, here's some semi random pics. Mostly from my Monterey Bay Aquarium visit on the 24th.

So since I shared the last interview outfit, I thought I'd post this one too.

It's a proper girly suit. Though my mum thought the black shirt under looked manly (bwah?). Whatevs. I got this job so, it must have been the suit.

It rained, then I took my doggy out in a break.

I loooove these trees in autumn. They turn such bright yellow. But of course it never looks the same once you take a photo. At least with my camera. Or my settings. I dunno.

Yay raindrops on roses.


I really love the Monterey Bay Aquarium, if I lived in Monterey I would go all the time.

There are lots of quiet corners where you can just sit and watch.

Obviously I really liked these. They were very photogenic.

But that's the last one.

I really liked these too, tangle mass 8D

The same kind as the one prior to the cut.

It's in disguuuuise

So beautiful ;_; I want to touch

Aaand that's the end from the aquarium.

These are from my walk yesterday. Not as colourful 8D

Except this one. Soooo bright, no editing at all.

I like clouds~ I wish I had a better camera. Thinking about researching and investing in one sometime early next year.

Lessee.... sent out some packages so I'll finally post some of the stuff I made soon.
Also coming soon my cos-year-in-review.

Saw Les Mis!
I'd like to see it again because I really liked it, but I am incredibly emotionally invested in the story (book, movies, and musical) sooo, of course all opinions are subjective but I'd like to see again and be a little more objective. So I can tell if was actually good, or if it was just my natural LES MIS OMG YES.
I don't think my opinion on Russel Crowe will change though (Why? I mean really, why?), and I was filled with mad glee when Colm Wilkinson came on screen (I hadn't known he was in it). I did really enjoy Anne Hathaway, but I rather like her anyway.

Hope y'all had a great holiday~!

a week in the life

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