Shalka... Doctor!

Dec 19, 2012 21:56

So in December of 2008 I made Shalka Doctor and Master costumes, buuut given the choice between being The Doctor and being The Master with someone else to be my Doctor I will always choose the latter.

There was a local cos gathering last Saturday and I decided hey, I could do Shalka Doctor :D

It was really cold and rainy though, which could have produced some nice moody photos buuuut my hair is currently platinum blonde so I sprayed it black and thought it'd probably be a spattery mess if we did photos outside. But I spent so much time on my hair I did take a few shots after I got back. Before my camera promptly died and I didn't have any batteries on hand.

In my mind, the Doctor can play many instruments. I imagine this incarnation gets lost in violin playing and plunks on the piano expecting answers.

Clocks are good Who props.

As do sonic screwdrivers. This is Three's, I think his is most similar to Eight's though (whiiiich, I just realized obviously makes sense. Sorry, I'm dense).

I left strips on both side of my head blonde and then put my grey/silver streaker that I always use over that buuut it looks a little odd.

Last picture before my batteries died, I'm assuming that's why it blew out like that but I kind of like the effect.

And one pic from the event by Toshiyasu Morita.

I have no idea how to pose D: There's what, three poses in the webcast? Straight on, 3/4 right, and 3/4 left.
Also I left my pocket watch in my car.
I don't remember what key this Doctor has though... or if it even shows it. Which obviously means it's time for a rewatch.

Aaaugh it was a very awkward event for me since I've been out of the anime scene for so long and I'm always uncomfortable in front of the camera if I don't know the photog... which is why I went really, to connect with the local population and try and being more comfortable in front of the camera. Because really, it's been 11+ years, I should be totally used to that aspect of costuming by now.

Was still nice to hang out with Dany and have dinner though!

doctor who, shalka

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