Regency & misc

Jul 23, 2012 16:21

In an effort to actually post, I've just clicked update with no set purpose or, sadly, pictures.

I've been increasingly wondering whether I can swing bringing my soon-to-be-finished Regency dress and wearing it in Bath. And also, how weird that would potentially be to others. Somehow in my mind though, everyone in England is a historical costuming expert and thus if I dared to wear it I have visions of being attacked by hoards of people raging that I machine sewed instead of hand, and that my fabric is not only synthetic but not really an appropriate colour choice and what am I thinking using a tiara with plastic beads, etc etc.

But really, how often will I be in Bath...?

I'm also thinking it's not quite cold enough for my wool coat, but it's too cold for the light unlined blazer's I've been wearing... and my only other blazers are my tux styled one and my geek one. This is because of my penchant for velvet blazers which sadly do not hold up to day to day wear ;_;
I lied here's a picture:

It's not a great pic, but it's all I have at the moment.
It's plaid and has green velvet cuffs and collar, which as velvet does, is quite worn down. Soooo, should I:
a) Tear it apart and replace the cuffs and collar and maybe add elbow patches since that's worn too
b) Make a brand new geek blazer
c) Make a brand new blazer and have it not be geeky

Or, I just remembered I have this blazer I made

But that one is meant to be a summery one too...

All these choices!

historical costuming, life

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