I have been quite busy lately for the most part.
I have felt burnt out for awhile, and started questioning if i really had the creativity to push on and keep on doing this illustration/painting thing, but i have had some renewed vigor these last couple of days. I have some new ideas to keep things fresh and I'm happy to start some real brainstorming tomorrow.
I've had some great things happen, though.
First off, I started chatting with this girl that runs the
Vermillion Gallery in Seattle. She's helped me so much in helping me figure out where to push my style and hopefully soon I can participate in a group show there. She suggested that I email various editorials, and that's what I've done.
Luckily, I've struck nickel (not quite copper, gold or silver, but still a metal of sorts) and I started talking with the main graphics dude at Wauasu Daily Herald. Turns out he likes my work, and wants me to do some freelance for him and possibly have some illustrations in the paper. He said my work reminds him of
Craig Thompson's (whom used to work at Wausau Daily Herald?!). Uh, wow.. talk about a compliment that is not deserved at all! I mean, c'mon... the dude did the best cover artwork ever, for friggin'
here it is...
"Friend and Foe".
So this week is going great, I think.
I need some sleep.