but here's some music i made. i put it on facebook and myspace, but just incase you don't go on either, here it is:
http://www.mediafire.com/?4zdxbcwn91c there are four songs:
1. "...And That's Why You Don't Use A One Armed Person To Scare Someone" 15:23
2. "Comfy In Nautica: The Secret Garden (Remix)" 7:15
3."Mega Man Vs. Guts Man" 6:36
4."How Do You Spell ACDC?" 4:26
it's about 58 mb, so if you have a decent connection, you should be able to download it relatively fast.
i will warn you, the recording could be better, but yeah....
there is one review by mr. nick wirsbinski:
"the first song, sorta got me sick....well the first 2 minutes did. i felt sedated and started to get a stomach ache. it felt like i was drinking a jaguar, honestly."
i don't know if that's good or bad... but i wanna say good, because jaguar is awesome.
well, judge for yourself... if you must.
(C and P from Facebook, sorry)
but yeah, mostly ambient stuff, with minimal loops. mostly guitar and synths, actually. influences? eluvium, boris, sunn O))), panda bear, nintendo music. hope someone likes it.