life is simply wonderful

Dec 26, 2007 14:12

Christmas was good. Brandon's been sick,so that wasn't so good... Real nasty cough, fever, congestion... It aggravates his asthma, too, so he's been having a lot of nebulizer treatments.

Christmas Eve was spent at Lucy's house with Sammy's family... We drank a little, but not much. Just enough to get us to that nice tipsy place. Brought food home for Sandy, snuggled in bed, talked for a bit... For some reason, we were up until 2. As I mentioned, Brandon's been sick, so Sandy was in the room at 5:30 giving him medicine and checking on him, then he got up at 7:30 anyway and that's when we opened presents. So Sammy and I didn't sleep much.

Sammy got me the first season of Scrubs on DVD, which is awesome. I actually haven't seen a lot of those episodes, believe it or not. Yeah, I've seen a couple, but majority of them? Nope. So that's real awesome. And since I already have the second season on DVD, we can slide right into it.

Sandy got me a lovely jewelry box, since I have so much jewelry and don't have any place to put it. (Old stuff, really, that I don't wear...) I mentioned it to her a while ago, a couple months ago to be honest, when she was showing me hers and her jewelry and some of Sammy's old pendants and bracelettes from when he was a baby. It was a real treat to get one, finally.

So Sammy and I watched Scrubs after breakfast for a while, I got ready, then we went over to Dan's and stayed there for a good 4 and a half hours. I want a Wii so, so freakin' bad! That's all we did for the 4 and a half hours we were there - played Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii. I was getting so into it. Sammy was kind of making fun of me - saying how I say I'm not a gamer, but clearly I am. Haha. Oh, god, I want a Wii.

I really like doing that, though. Sitting around, playing games. Not even that, but watching people play games. It's fun.

Sammy's excited because this weekend, he and Dan are meeting with an artist. They're trying to publish their own comics, which I think is totally awesome. Sammy has so many great ideas and I would love to see them printed. Nearly every day, he comes home with a new idea. The one he's really focused on is really interesting, too. I love talking about it with him, letting him bounce ideas off me...

So now I'm waiting on an item on eBay to end. Sammy really, really wanted a PSP for Christmas and he didn't get one... I felt really, really bad for him, considering everyone else got what they really wanted. I'm bidding on one now that's actually relatively cheap and has only 30 minutes left on it. I'm hoping I win it. (It's not just the PSP - it comes with 4 games and two movies, plus memory cards.)

I hope he likes it. I felt bad because all I got him was a t-shirt and an old Green Lantern comic. He deserves to get what he really wants, too... So. I'll be Santa for him this year.

He's been in a really loving mood, lately. Ever since we came back from Virginia, he's been hugging me and holding me more... Telling me how much he loves me. When he calls from work, usually on his lunch break, he tells me how much he's thinking about me and he misses me. It's really sweet, honestly. It is. ♥ Things are going so well lately. I couldn't ask for more.

God, I hope I win this PSP...!

Edit: Less than 10 minutes left and I lost it... :'[ I'm so disappointed. Guess it's time to keep shopping...

ebay, gifts, the boy, family

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