my whole life has changed since you came in

Dec 13, 2007 09:25

Shopping yesterday was a success. I bought two pairs of shoes for myself, the kid's and the boy's Christmas gifts, and two pairs of jeans.

Which are actually a size too big, so I have to go exchange them, which I'll do once I dry my hair. Haha, what is with me posting after I get out of the shower?! (Actually, today it's to kill time. I wanted to leave as soon as I got out, but I wasn't sure they'd be open yet...)

I wish my camera worked so I could take pictures, but I just don't have batteries. But I found one pair on the internet. The other pair seem to have just...vanished. No where to be found.

It's supposed to snow today. We'll see. I kind of hope it does, but at the same time, I kind of hope it doesn't. Maybe if it snows enough, the kid won't have school tomorrow and I'll be able to sleep in. *o* One can dream.

weather, pictures, shopping

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