Shut up and kiss me like the antidotes under my tongue

Dec 14, 2007 14:13

Today has been uneventful. Around 8, I went back to sleep after everyone left 'til about 10:30. Took my shower, met Sammy for lunch, ate at that sweet little Allerton shop, picked up Sudafed at CVS, since the boy is getting sick, as well as a new hair brush, 'cos mine broke. And Sour Patch Kids. I ate the whole bag already. :(

My brand new shoes got all mucked up outside 'cos I was really retarded and wore them in the slush. Gah, why didn't anyone give me a brain?

Wearing a new pair of my jeans, too. They're a bit more snug than my other ones (which got dirty outside, so I had to change them and will wash them this weekend). I like it when my jeans fit me well. Remember I said I was vain? Well, I have to admit that, while I'm a bit bigger of a girl, I have curves - nice curves. Snug, well fitted clothing just shows them off and I love that. :)

I can't wait to go down to Virginia again. See my family, who I haven't seen in 2 months. See my friends, who I haven't seen in 3 months. And everyone gets to meet Sammy. Very excited for this, yes. Planning a little get together at the McTacoHut with my friends on Saturday night. :)

Listening to Gym Class Heroes now. I love them.

vanity, friends, music, the boy

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