3463: The Imogen series - Imogen Dahl

Oct 17, 2015 21:23

It's tme for Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Accepting entries for the Thirteenth Annual Pottersues Contest.

I actually wrote this story up yesterday, but found myself not posting the entry. I also didn't save what I wrote up.

Today's link of the day is Heterochromia Master Post. This was a nice find.

TITLE: Ginny Potter and Hell's Portal, Gypsy Child and The Empty Crib
SUMMARY:”Harry's disappeared and no one can figure out where to. When the Ministry seems to be pushing Ron to give up on looking and Ginny suspects foul play, she takes it upon herself to figure out where her husband is. H/G”, ”Imogen Dahl has lived with the Potter family for just over two years now. She is dating their son James, and Lily is as much a sister as any she could have ever imagined. But when visions of her mother become a regular occurrence, Imogen feels torn between a family she loves and a past she longs to know.” and ”The Potters are all facing new challenges. James is giving up his position on a team of international aurors to prepare for his new challenge of being a father. Lily is struggling to figure out what's next for her in life. Harry is afraid the Ministry is edging closer and closer to how it functioned under Fudge. They will all have to work together to get through.”
FULL NAME: Imogene Dahl
SPECIES: A serial Sue... get it?
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first in the series is meant to explain why someone from Australia ends up in Great Britian and didn't attend a magical school until they're fourteen. Harry Potter randomly disappeared and Ginny finds herself headed by plane to Australia where they meet Harry's second wife. (That part was honestly confusing as was most of the story. The parts simply don't connect like they should in a story.) We then find out that an OC named Peter orchestrated the whole thing in a sudden reveal in the second to last chapter with no actual build up. I believe he had interests in Ginny, and he claimed Harry was now safe from all death eaters. The last chapter is a mushy reunion between the two. The second and third stories follow the same format. There isn't much plot wise, the writer relies a lot on dialogue. The second series opens up instead regarding the mysterious dreams our Sue is having as well as how perfect she is. This includes a line where one of Potter's kids claims she's the favorite, but we get a line about how she's not because all she does is do what the parents want her to. There is mushy attitude between her and James, and eventually we get a mushy ending with her, James and the gypsy folk. The third is about - honestly I can't tell.
ORIGIN: The writer doesn't plan their stories out. One of the things the writer notes on both Gypsy Child and The Empty Crib is that all three stories are supposed to stand on their own, but the author's note for The Emptry Crib also notes “I was not finished with writing for James/Imogen OR Lily/Lorcan”. Each story is filled with info dumps, random dialogue and plot events which don't really flow into each other. The first in the series for example is supposed to involve the mysterious disappearance of Harry Potter, but the writer's not thrown any clues and random things like “Harry's second wife” is thrown out as if the writer is changing their mind.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's perfect. She has no flaws, just a bunch of angst and contrived plot scenarios.

NOTES: One of the things the writer likes throwing out is cultural references, but the reference to aboriginal art work in the first and Brazil really plays no role. It's just there to add flavor. Despite the promise of an angst ridden plot - that's what the summary indicates - the angst ended up just being sunshine and roses. The only tone through the entire piece was fluff.


"Imogen, the feast is starting soon."

Imogen kept trying to listen, but the voice faded, the feel of fingers lessened, and the beautiful face was gone. She opened her eyes and Lily stood over her, red hair hanging haphazardly as she waved her hand inches from Imogen's face. "Oh good," she said as Imogen pushed her hand away. "I thought maybe O.W.L.s had finally done you in. Mum and Dad would have been devastated. You're their favorite, you know."

This wasn't true. Imogen knew she was just the one teenager in the house that never really argued when asked to do something.

"It was so nice out today, I just wanted to sit in the grass for a while," Imogen said, rubbing her eyes. "I guess I fell asleep."

"Guess so," said Lily with a grin.

Imogen had lived with the Potter family for just over two years now. She was used to Lily's teasing grin the same way she was used to Albus's obsession with beating his Uncle Ron at chess, and Ginny's tendency to get a short fuse when writing about the Holyhead Harpies after they lost.

"Well, come on," Lily said. "James is probably wondering where you are."

When they arrived at the Great Hall, James was standing at the entrance. He reached out, grabbed Imogen's hands, and pulled her in for a kiss. "You gonna sit with me?"

Imogen had been sorted into Ravenclaw, which meant splitting meal times between James (who she had dated for as long as she had been with the Potters, and was a Gryffindor) and her own house. Today, the hall was decked out with red and gold, though. She couldn't imagine that the Gryffindors would want her butting into their celebration of winning the house cup. Ravenclaw had it the past two years and Slytherin the year before, making this the first time in four years that Gryffindor won. Already, Lily had run in, standing on the bench of the Gryffindor table between two of her friends. One of them flicked her wand, starting loud, upbeat music, and the three of them danced what looked liked a choreographed number to the applause and catcalls of those around them. Albus looked completely embarrassed by his sister.

"I told Lorcan to save me a seat," Imogen said.

James let out a breath, tilting his head. "Come on, we're going to see them next week."

"And I'm going home with you," she countered. She went up on tiptoes, kissing him.

"Fine, but I call dibs on having you with me on the train." It was a moot point, as they could all fit into a compartment just fine.

They entered the Great Hall, James holding on to her hand as long as possible as they separated. He started doing a champion's run when he got to the Gryffindor table, giving high fives and fist bumps to all his friends from his house as he went down the row.

Imogen couldn't help but laugh as Lily pointed straight at her before doing a cartoonish shimmy, her vivid hair bouncing around her. Imogen sunk into the seat beside Lorcan Scamander.

Lorcan was Imogen's best friend. When the Potters took her in, Imogen was fourteen and had never attended wizarding school. Because of this she was placed with the third year Ravenclaws, despite her age, in hopes that she would have time to catch up by O.W.L.s. Though Ginny had taught her quite a bit, she was still painfully behind when she arrived and wondered if catching up was even possible. Their head of house, Professor Sinistra, assigned the prefects at the time to help tutor her, but it was Lorcan who helped the most. Patient and smart, he was easier to approach with questions. It helped that they were in the same classes as well. She'd become good friends with him before James realized and told her that Lorcan's mother, Luna, was a close friend to his parents, Ginny and Harry. This year, Lorcan and Imogen were assigned as prefects, giving them even more time to spend with one another.

"Why don't you just ask her out?" Imogen asked quietly as Lorcan watched Lily.

"I heard she just broke things off with Bryant," Lorcan replied, looking away as the Professors all entered the Great Hall, ending the dance party at the Gryffindor table. "I don't want to be her rebound."

There was always some excuse: Lily fancied someone else, Lorcan was too busy studying for O.W.L.s, it was bad timing with summer coming up, and so on. Lorcan had liked Lily for as long as Imogen had known him-apparently longer, as they had grown up together. The problem was he talked himself out of even the simplest conversation with her. It didn't seem to matter that Imogen had offered a hundred times to talk to Lily for him, the most he'd ever done was talk about some future date he would work up the courage and do it himself.

"Maybe when you're visiting The Borrow next week," Lorcan mused.

It wasn't as though he weren't handsome. His twin brother, Lysander, looked very similar to Lorcan. Both had golden brown hair with loose curls, wide and friendly eyes (Lysander's were green and Lorcan's grey), and tall statures. Only Lysander seemed to understand he was handsome, earning the general attention from all the Ravenclaw girls in their year and half of those from other houses. Lorcan, both too humble and too shy, lacked confidence and buried himself in his school work instead of facing the dreaded world of girls.

The end of the year feast went as expected. Professor Morrigan, the headmistress appointed when McGonagall retired the year before, gave her congratulations to Gryffindor, to the graduates, and to the student body in general. They ate copious amounts of food before they were given information regarding departures the next morning and then dismissed for the night.

James weaved through the crowd, finding Imogen in the entryway. "I'll see you in the common room," she told Lorcan as James pulled her away. He brought out his invisibility cloak and threw it over the two them, going up and up until they made it to the Room of Requirement.

When they entered, it was apparent James had made plans. The room was cozy, with pillows and a long, grey couch, and bottles of Firewhisky and Butterbeer, which Imogen knew wasn't a product of the room. Imogen grabbed a Butterbeer and sat on one side of the couch. A fire crackled, though no heat emitted from the grate. Candles were scattered across the edges of the room. Still, there was a homey quality behind the romantic mood James had set. Wooden floors and a stone fireplace reminded Imogen of the cottage James and Ginny lived in when they met Imogen in Australia.

James grabbed a drink himself and sat next to Imogen. He pulled her legs over and onto his lap. "To the end of the year," he said with a grin, lifting his bottle. Imogen tapped hers to his and they both drank. "And then," he continued, "I'll get into the Auror academy and while you're at school next year, I'll find a flat for us."

"I still have two years left," she pointed out.

"Yeah, but you'll be of age at the end of this summer," James calculated.

Imogen was still pretty sure Ginny and Harry wouldn't approve until she graduated. She didn't bring this up, though. Aside from the fact that James didn't care if his parents approved of his plans, he started on a tirade the last time she brought this up. Still, Imogen felt the need to appease the Potters somewhat. Ginny and Harry didn't have to take her in, after all. They had done so much for her. Ginny had written to the previous headmistress, gotten her into school, and they had both taken her in like one of their own. Imogen didn't like the idea of upsetting them.

p - fluff train, rating - toxic, e - australian, ap - purrfection of ones pursuits, ap - academic pursuit

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