3462: Albus Potter and the Elder Wand - Albus and company

Oct 15, 2015 22:09

It's tme for Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Accepting entries for the Thirteenth Annual Pottersues Contest.

Today's link of the day is CABS: Citizen Against Bad Slash. It's not what I was looking for, and I didn't get much time to look it over, but the basic concept was intriguing.

TITLE: Albus Potter and the Elder Wand
COVER/BANNER ART: The writer took a picture of Hogwarts and ran it through some filters. They then took what I believe is a black and white picture of Albus with the very top of his head cut off from the epilogue in the final movie. The writer then pasted a wand from the series on top of that, and then wrote the title out in the Harry Potter font.
SUMMARY:”19 years after the war, Albus Potter is entering his first year at Hogwarts. He is learning how to become a wizard, and making new friends along the way. The wizarding world is thrown into a panic when Al's father, the famous Harry Potter, mysteriously disappears. Al is terrified and confused. The Dark Lord couldn't be back...could he?”
FULL NAME: Al, Rose, Lyda, Harvey, Derek, Professor Kim, Olivia, James II, Chris, Felix
SPECIES: We have a menagerie of Gary Stus and Mary Sues
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Chapter one starts off with the gaggle of kids being rather obnoxious. The whole second chapter is about how great it is to be Harry's son, and Al gets a letter from his father. They rescue Harvey's cat and Harvey along with Chris and Felix idolize Al and he “felt he truly belonged at Gogwarts.” is about being friends Chapter three starts off with us finding out what everyone excels at subject wise and how Derek is mean to them. “Dad reckons that Derek must be the son of Gregory Goyle.” After class they go to Hagrid's hut. A certain seer has a prophesy and the kids begin to freak out. (That's really not a good way to present the conflict for the story.) They then figure out the prophesy is about the Choosen One's son. (Sigh) Chapter four is potions class, and in their planning to get revenge for what Derek said to Rose (I thought it was Harvey that he called out for being a mudblood”, and they get in trouble with McGonagall. Plots rather confusing actually as the writer takes bits and pieces from the original series and just rearranges them.
ORIGIN: We've got another story where the writer tries bringing back Voldemort. Why do writers ignore Rowling when she says it's not possible for him to come back? The way the horucruxes work is rather clearly explained. Professor Kim's the new DADA professor that year.

NOTES: I suspect the writer is rather young. As such I don't like the fact one of their reviewers told them “if you write more than 10 chapters, you will have lot of readers and fans..”. Writing a ton of chapters doesn't guarantee a lot of readers and fans. Actually, it's bothersome that the writer of the reviews claims “very good story. One of the finest”, “you have very good story telling skills”, and “I felt like reading a professional writer's story...”


The next few weeks seemed to fly by. Al learned which steps to skip on the staircases, and which paintings were actually doorways. While he wasn't as obsessed with his studies as Rose, he still enjoyed his classes.

He also grew closer with Harvey, and the two spent most of their time with Rose and Lydia.

It turned out Harvey was a brilliant student. Despite his lack of experience, he was always the second to complete a new lesson (Rose being the first). The only subject he didn't excel in was potions.

Meanwhile, potions was Al's best subject. He was about average in his other classes, but potions just felt natural to him. "The two of us make one perfect student," Al would joke to Harvey, "Maybe even better than Rose!"

On the downside, any hopes Al had clung to that Derek would get nicer had been quickly squashed. If anything, Derek was even meaner.

"I just don't understand," Rose grumbled as they made their way to Herbology, "he has no reason to be angry at us! I wrote to Dad, and-"

"You wrote to Uncle Ron?" Al exclaimed, "Great, now him and your mum and my parents are going to storm into the school and embarrass us all!"

"Oh calm down, I only asked where the name was from. Dad reckons that Derek must be the son of Gregory Goyle!"

She stopped walking and stared at them expectantly. Her friends stared blankly back.

"Don't tell me you forgot who Gregory Goyle is, Al."

Al thought about it. The name did sound familiar.

"Ohhh as in Crabbe and Goyle?"

"Yes! But our parents saved his life, so I don't see how that would make him angry."

"You're right. There must be some other reason."

rating - awful, sue - rose weasley, pf - new/next generation, stu - james sirius potter, stu - albus severus potter, stu - fred weasley ii, related to goyal

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