3531: The Black Heir: First Year - Evelyn "Evie" Celeste Black

Aug 31, 2015 22:35

I'm continuing with Tropes Sue Week. The first trope was Thirty Sue Pile Up which means there is a lot of Mary Sues running around in the story. Some only exist to be friends with the main Mary Sue, and others are just as bad as the main Mary Sue. Sometimes there are multiple main Mary Sues as well.

Today's trope is the Parasite Sue. (It's not actually an offcial trope, but we use the term a lot here on Pottersues.) This one's different in the fact the plot does change, but she's still just tagging along with the plot. That is until they start going to school.

For today's entry we have a Reverse Due Date Calculator.

TITLE: The Black Heir: First Year
PERPETRATOR: Phoenyx-Fyre-Writer
SUMMARY:”How can a chance encounter with his Godfathers daughter change Harry's life? Warning will contain spanking of minors but it won't be the focus. Pairins HPXGW, NLXOC, RWXLL. Some Hermione Bashing. Rated T to be safe”
FULL NAME: Evelyn Celeste Black
SPECIES: “Her Father was an insane mass murdering mad-man. Her Mother was a comple and utter mystery and she was a nasty little piece of work who needed the nastiness beaten out of her regularly.”
HAIR: “messy dirty blond hair”
EYES: “mysterious silver eyes. Her eyes were mostly dull, making her look like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders, although sometimes when she was able to have fun - which was very rare - they shone a beautiful silver colour.”
MARKINGS: “she was small and very scrawny”
POSSESSIONS: She sleeps in the airing cupboard. “'Professor. How will she pay for everything? Has she got a vault like me?' Harry asked. 'I'm not sure Mr Potter. I'll be taking her to Gringotts to do her inheritance test like the one you did when you first came to Gringotts,” Minerva said briskly. 'I never did an inheritance test Professsor,' Harry said confused.” He didn't take one because they DON'T exist. Harry of course gets one of those annoying wills read and apparently he's betrothed to Ginerva Molly Weasley, and the Weasley family is left 1,000,000 galleons and Evelyn gets ten times this while her father only gets the same as Ginerva. That's because she's James and Lily's goddaughter. Ginny also gets 500k. “Under no circumstances Harry is to be placed with Lily's sister family.” (Apparently this is also per year, and she gets more then Harry. I missed that, but a couple of the reviews point this out.) She's got a kneazle kitten named Nyx. (No she wouldn't. Hybrids with wild breeds are regulated even in real life.) Somebody has a cat named Pebbles and they along with Crookshanks know Ron's rat is no good. Harry and Evie both faint on the train, and I decide to skip to the end. Yup. It's just the original plot with Evie thrown in.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Poor Evelyn is abused like Harry was. She gets her Hogwarts letter, and we get info on how horrible her life is because she's useless. She of course is making breakfast like Harry Potter was at the beginning. Professor McGonagall comes to her rescue, and Evelyn shows off her accidental magic. Evelyn also admits to having apparated in order to get away from bullies. (How similar is that to Harry Potter's situation?) They meet up with Harry, and he decides to be her older brother because “he felt a strange connection to the younger girl, almost like she was a little sister of sorts.” Harry's happy Evie makes friends with Ginny, and they find out that Sirius is innocent. (Chances are it's through that inheritance test. I didn't bother reading through as I'm not in the mood for reading yet another of those when they shouldn't even exist in the first place.) Sirius of course gets freed and is now taking care of both kids with Remus' help. He's even adopting Harry.
ORIGIN: Apparently the writer's been at this story for some time, and they also feel like there is a need to bash Hermione. “She knew her Aunt and Uncle would never pay for her to go to a school like Hogwarts. […] It was a mark of how little her Aunt and Uncle cared for her Evie thought; that they paid a large yearly fee for Grant and paid for his expensive school uniform without batting an eyelid, whereas Evie's school uniform was to be a few old shirts and trousers of her cousins that had definitely seen better days and second hand jumpers and ties.” Harry's supposed help her resist the call of the Dark Arts. Harry's father is now “Lord James Charlus Potter”. The will even says “there is no way a child of a marauder should ever be subject to that man [being Vernon].” The Hermione bashing involves Harry spoiling his “little bookworm” and being made out as a jealous git. (I can't blame her as this Sue is stealing Hermione's canon spot light. Everybody's giggly happy because everything in the world works out like it does in this fic. (Not! Sorry, but life's nowhere near this easy.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She can “mind speak” to owls.”Minerva smiled at the young girl, although she was a Black and would most likely be a Slytherin there was always hope for her.” She's also able to do wandless magic. “The only children [Minerva] knew to have control had been Severus and Lily.” (I think the writer needs to brush up on their canon.) She manages to change Minerva's clothes to normal Muggle clothing. (That's far more advanced then the known examples from canon.) “Evie nodded and looked around the room then focused on Minerva, she waved her hand and willed the Professors robes to change into normal muggle attire. Minerva was left wearing a soft light pink blouse and mid-calf length beige skirt. Her normally pin tight bun came lose and her hair fell down her back, nice beige shoes adorned her feet as well. […] Minerva had to work very hard to cover her shock. She'd never seen any untrained witch or wizard perform such magic, yet she knew by the feel of the magic Evie was not trained, she didn't focus spells rather her actual magic. She'd be having an interesting talk with Dumbledore later. […] If it had been simple spells Minerva would be very suspicious and know how to return her appearance to normal, however she needed assistance - she wasn't about to tell Evie this though. "Can you undo it as well?" Minerva asked. She could pass off her asking by claiming she was assessing Miss Black's magical talent. In actual fact it was partly to do just that as well, to undo all the changes would take a lot more focus.” She's also a first year during Harry's third year. Talk about cutting it close. She's able to shrink her wand to fit in her pocket. Ginny instantly thinks she's friendly. (She's also a seer according to one of the reviews for chapter five. Must be in the inheritance test I skipped.) Apparating at will to.

NOTES: When children are able to control their magic the tasks they perform are simple, and yet she's super amazing. Harry's parents aren't some kind of nobles, there is no such thing as inheritance tests, and of course a whole lot more. Here's a quote from chapter nine. “Okay, your characters are too ooc for my liking... I 'll stop reading here. Sorry, but Remus and Sirius are not helpless idiots and twelve year old ginny wouldn't talk like that to adults.”


sleep she could escape the hunger.

Evie was woken up by a loud bang and someone yelling. "Get out of my house you freak!" Her Aunt screeched.

Slightly disorientated, Evie jumped out of her bed and ran to the door of her cupboard, trying to push it open and slightly confused when it didn't. Without thinking she waved her hand unlocking the door and rushed downstairs. "What's going on?" Evie asked groggily.

"Miss Evelyn Celeste Black. I am Professor McGonagall. You received a letter about your invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry earlier today and the owl that delivered your letter has informed the Headmaster that you are unaware of the wizarding world," a tall stern looking woman who was claiming to be Professor McGonagall said. Evie wondered if it was the same McGonagall that had written the letter to her.

"Um yes, that is me," Evie said slowly coming to her senses.

"What are you doing out of your cupboard! I locked you in there! How did you get out! Get back up to your cupboard brat!" Lucy screamed again. She raised her hand to strike a harsh blow to Evie's head once again, when she froze completely still and fell over.

"You will not ever raise your hand to a child Mrs Gereldean," Professor McGonagall said. She swiftly tucked her wand back into her robes.

Evie blinked rapidly staring at the odd little stick. "Umm… are you the same McGonagall who wrote the letter about being invited to Hogwarts?"

Minerva smiled at the young girl, although she was a Black and would most likely be a Slytherin there was always hope for her. "Yes I am Miss Black. Now due to exactly who you are we had assumed you were aware of magic. However, the owl that visited you has informed our gamekeeper, who informed the headmaster that you are unaware of magic is this so?" Minerva asked briskly. If it was she'd get the girl to Diagon Alley as quick as possible and get her home.

She'd be keeping an eye on the Black girl; the whole family was bad, including her father - one of her lions. She could hardly stand it. Plus it was rather suspicious she was starting school and he escaped, Fudge said it was to come after Harry but was that his only motive? Well Minerva wasn't going to ignore the 'coincidences'.

"Well… I can do things that others can't… but I don't understand how. All I know is whatever I want to happen; happens," Evie said chewing her lip. "But I've never heard of Hogwarts or any of those books and have no idea how to get things like a pewter caldron, a wand, or dragon hide gloves…" Evie continued trailing off. She was reeling in confusion and shock. Professor McGonagall hadn't claimed it to be a mistake, she thought she was a witch and protected her from her Aunt.

Minerva was surprised. Not many children had much control over their accidental magic; the only children she knew to have control had been Severus and Lily. "You can control your magic? Please show me," Minerva asked.

Evie nodded and looked around the room then focused on Minerva, she waved her hand and willed the Professors robes to change into normal muggle attire. Minerva was left wearing a soft light pink blouse and mid-calf length beige skirt. Her normally pin tight bun came lose and her hair fell down her back, nice beige shoes adorned her feet as well.

rating - awful, af - wandless magic (child mastery), al - animal languages, related to the blacks, pc - parasite sue, ap - academic pursuit, of - inheritence will

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