3532: The Secrets That Suethors Make Up - Selena Alexandra Evans and company

Sep 01, 2015 22:17

It's time for Tropes Sue Week.

This weeks Sue is for the trope Canon Defilement. TV Tropes does say, “it is important to note that Canon Defilement does have a subjective side to it. Sometimes, one person's Canon Defilement is another person's fanfiction idea - and criticisms about it being Canon Defilement sometimes get responded to with a big ignore.”

Does this mean writers can use this argument on Pottersues?


Here on Pottersues the term Canon Defilement is reserved for stories where the writer doesn't bother using any form of logic regarding the changes they make to the original canon, and thus the criteria used is objective, and not subjective. The term's also reserved for extreme cases.

TITLE: The Secret That Lies Behind Closed Doors
PERPETRATOR: Zykira MajesticWriter84
COVER/BANNER ART: Don't care...
SUMMARY:”Another house is being added to Hogwarts? Guardians are going to be chosen to protect Hogwarts. Bill Weasley and Severus Snape are secret keepers? Whose worry about Voldemort when there's betrayal, lies, deceit and drama, inside the Order of the Phoenix and at Hogwarts? (This story has been revised)”
FULL NAME: Selena Alexandra Evans, Harry and Draco
SPECIES: She's Snape and Lily's “blood sister”, Harry's “blood mother” or “god mother”, and a dark elven mage as are Harry and Draco on the last part.
HAIR: see markings...
EYES: see markings...
MARKINGS: “Alex was 5'9 and 145lbs; she has black long hair with blonde highlights.” “Alex took of her glamour and showed her true form as a dark elven. Her eyes glow a light hazel color, her hair grew longer, and her nails became longer. Her ears became sharp at the tips and her shape of her body became a figure eight type body.” “"Well now we know that Draco and Harry are dark elemental elven. Any scars or blemishes that they had are gone now. The guys are absolutely gorgeous. She will probably advance train them in glamour."”Lucius was staring at Alex and Draco's magic. He saw silver strain of magic that was his, a gold strain that must have been the lady they called Alex strain. He didn't see Narcissa's strain of magic and she's is Draco's mother. But only strains where there is Alex, Lucius, and Draco's magic strain.”
POSSESSIONS: Apparently our Sue, Harry and Draco possess elven blood while Lucius possesses Vella blood.
CONNECTION TO CANON: She uses a portkey to get inside of Hogwarts with Bill. “nails became longer. Her ears became sharp at the tips and her shape of her body became a figure eight type body. She lay in between the two boys and joined their hands together. The magic was like a maelstrom but instantly calmed down. Draco's breathing became a steady calm beat and went into a deep sleep. On the other hand, Harry was struggling and going into convulsions. She couldn't let go of Draco's hand yet so she let go of Harry's hand and put her hand on top of his forehead where the scare was at. Her magic began to wrap around Harry like a blanket. His scar was bleeding and she used all she had to take the pain away from Harry that Voldemort was giving to Harry, so she transferred his pain to her with Occlumency. Harry's body went limp and Alex's body went into convulsions. She barely was able to call out Bill's name.” Apparently Harry's now going to be switched to the Slytherin house. Says Bill to our Sue. “I can fuck you senseless and make you a Weasley, which one do you prefer first?" (WTF)
ORIGIN: Harry and Draco are coming into their creature inheritances, and because of this Selena's suddenly needed. “ Magic strains don't lie, Narcissa was not Draco's mother and the woman that is laying next to his son has that colored strain as well.” (I say the writer's making stuff up as they go without thinking about why Lucius would suspect Narcissa to be Draco's mother.) “While protecting Harry's thoughts from Voldemort, Alexandra accidently stepped into one of his memories. Vernon Dursley had Harry by the throat choking him to every inch with his life. Another memory was when Petunia was gone that day; he would drag Harry down into a secret room in the basement and chain Harry to the wall. Not only has Vernon physically assaulted Harry but sexually as well. Alex will make sure that Vernon will pay for his ignorance. (Another place where the writer randomly makes things up.) Says a reviewer, “I can't wait for Snape to realise he's a Veela and that Blaise and Harry are his mates.” “"Narcissa is not Draco's mother then, that's impossible. I would remember if I had another woman pregnant." "Not impossible sir, since you are Draco's father and married your wife before he was born. The real mother lost parental rights when you married."
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Draco and Lucius are suddenly good guys, and Severus and Lucius are chummy pals with everybody else on the good side. “Can someone tell me why there is no magical strain of my wife in my son? […] And if you can not answer that one, how about this one, who is my son a dark elemental elven when it don't run in the Black or Malfoy family?” “ In the elven culture, it is a high offense to abuse a male prince or female princess. Lady Iris would not be pleased with Petunia. Telling a child that her parents died in a car crash, because of the father was a drunk.” “The Evans families are pureblood Elven, meaning most of dark elemental elven comes from Lady Iris children. It is rumored that Salazar Slytherin is the son of Merlin and Lady Iris, but again only rumors. So Alex can see how Potter could be put into Slytherin House.” Yet we get this in the second chapter. “You do understand that I'm part muggle.” "Let's see, Lady Malfoy is a Black and since the there is no male Evans, she can't be pureblood. The Evans families are pureblood elven and they are women; however, Harry Potter's grandmother married a muggleborns, but Lily Evans married a pure blood wizard named James Potter making Harry Potter a pureblood elven and wizard. You, Master are a pureblood, and Draco's mother is a pureblood elven who is royalty and is the last female of the Elven race." (It does NOT work that way.) “Blacks are the descendants of Celtic (werewolves) and Malfoys are descendants of Salazar Slytherin and the Veela Dragons.” (I decided to stop reading after I read this. I'd suggest the writer go and write their own stories, but they're making up things like Veela Dragons. Like... really? Totally not cool.)

NOTES: I'd honestly love to see a story where creature inheritance wasn't a form of Canon Defilement, but unfortunately I don't think this will ever happen. The idea behind creature inheritance is that a character will eventually come of age and go naturally from being human, to being a non-human. The idea holds no logic in the first place as a person can't naturally go from being human, to being a non-human. This isn't the only Canon Defilement issue in this story.


Somewhere in the middle of Egypt, where there was nothing but sand, and the most breathtaking sky that was filled with bright stars. There was a light cool breeze in the air, but it was not enough to blow out the campfire where Bill Weasley was sitting. He was not alone; he was sitting with a good friend and partner of 2 and half years Selena Alexandra Evans. But Bill only calls her Alex, and that's the way she like it. Alex was 5'9 and 145lbs; she has black long hair with blonde highlights. She has a bad habit of smoking when she is extremely worried about something. There is a charm that she wears that supposed to keep her calm, and Bill made it for her when there were too many close calls that he began to lose count of. Bill has a crush on her for a while, but he realize that there was someone else in her heart that he could not fill as of yet. Bill look from the far distance, he noticed Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix coming towards them. Something must be up if he sends the phoenix. Fawkes drops the letter on Alex's lap and left without another thought.

Selena Alexandra Evans,

A lot has changed since the last time I have seen you. This old coot misses you very much. Your blood brother has changed into a bitter old bat of the dungeon. As you know, he is a spy for the light. He feels that you blame him for getting Lily killed, but I know that is not the case at all. As much as you love her I know you loved him very much as well. It kills me to see him like this; you will understand when you come home. Hogwarts is and always have been your home. The castle is calling for you and the next guardians. Voldemort is teaming up with vampires and other creatures to take down Hogwarts. However, this is not the reason I'm writing you this letter; Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy is going to be going through their inheritance. Lily Evans made you, Harry Potter's blood mother or god mother. He needs you now than ever. We took him away from the Dursleys and brought him to Hogwarts infirmary.

The other matter is Draco Malfoy, once he goes through the transformation that spell will be broken. A lot of questions are going to be asked. Lucius Malfoy is freaking out right now. How are we going to explain this to him? I don't want this to send him back to Voldemort. You really need to come home. This old man is at his last wits. These boys are running a high fever and their magic are running wild. They are in a lot of pain and we don't know what to do. You are their conductors and they need you here, we need you here. So please hear this plea come home.


Albus Wolfric Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts.

"What are you going to do?" Bill said as he stared at the fire. "Whatever it is, I'm behind you 100%"

"I know you are Bill. I guess we are going to Hogwarts immediately" Alex whispered, as she flicked her wand everything was put in her bag.

"May I ask you why?" Bill did the same and everything was put away.

"Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are going through their inheritance and I'm the only one who can."

"How's that?"

"I'm a dark elven mage, and Draco and Harry are going through the changes. We really need to go now and I promise to finish telling you my story later okay."


She grabbed Bill's hand and took out a port key that had a Hogwarts symbol than activated it. Within minutes they were inside of Hogwarts. They ran towards to infirmary and Alex with the flick of her wrist opened the doors to the infirmary. Bill was close behind her.

stu - draco malfoy, related to other, related to the blacks, rating - toxic, c - unknown, stu - severus snape, related to the malfoys, stu - blaize zabini, ct - elf (full), p - thirty sue pile up, stu - lucius malfoy, stu - harry potter, ct - veela (full)

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