3530: Krait Book 15e Chanting up a storm against le roi soleil

Aug 29, 2015 00:07

The very last story on my Just In list is gone, and the story on the list before that is a very nice read. Thus I'm going to start up the link of the day with a story which may be a bit rough around the edges, but definitely a rather nice week.

It's time now to move onto Tropes Sue Week. I asked for a bit of help finding stories while I worked on other weeks, and so we already have four stories for Tropes Sue Week. I knew Tropes Sue Week would last longer then a few weeks before I started receiving stories, but one story I received made me decide to go ahead and do the Thirty Sue Pileup trope. I originally believed it would be hard to find a story for said trope, so originally said trope wasn't on the list.

TITLE: Krait book 15e Chanting up a storm against le roi soleil
COVER/BANNER ART: (see previous entry)
SUMMARY:”Darryl Zabini finds himself teaching chanting for a year in Beauxbatons. He has to contend with supporters of the would-be dictator, our old 'friend' Achille Villeneuve, breakfast without a fry-up and the truly dark nature of the picturesque French uniform. Fortunately there are kids there willing to learn to fight...”
FULL NAME: Darryl Zabini, Mimi
SPECIES: Darryl is a new teacher at Beauxbatons Accademy. Mimi is a slave Snape rescued and made his daughter as well as the love interest of Darryl. Also a spy
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter is pretty much an info drop regarding the schooling system, and how David was in a Twiwizard tournament. (O think he wins, but the wording is honestly sketchy.” We also got a ton of complaining on his part about how he has to make his own food. Olympe Maxime is shrieking in chapter three for no good reason. English are called barbarians in this chapter as well as if the writer is trying to justify David's standpoint. Studies are supplemented with chanting. We also get something about ELM and ELF exams. He apparently also have some kind of feelings that Homere Tisserand has with him, and Darryl's response is “I beg your pardon old boy?”
ORIGIN: See the sample. He's also got a son, and there is a Borbring Malfoy-Tobak running around whose “a Malfoy by being a step child”. (No, he's only a Malfoy if his step-parent decided to adopt him.) He's a spy because of a trumped up reason. (I say trumped up because the conflict in this series is trumped up.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The minion who suggested this particular part of the Krait series had this to say. “[Darryl] arrives in France to be a professor, but doesn't like it because he thinks that the French culture and ways are wrong and disgusting.” I bring this up because this isn't the first time in this series that the issue cropped up. I caught onto a similar theme in the entries I posted recently for this series. (2 and 3). An example is his comment about how “few English over the age of six would wear shorts save for sport. But then we encourage our children in independence and maturity.”

NOTES: This one has big block paragraphs, and as such I think the actual writing is getting worse as the series progresses.


Darryl Zabini was frankly quite nervous about the whole concept of teaching, and in a foreign school.
Chapter 1
Darryl Zabini was frankly quite nervous about the whole concept of teaching, and in a foreign school.
Which was utterly ridiculous when you realised that he had been attending school in Austria for the last two years which was technically a foreign school; except that Prince Peak was run on English lines, with a largely English staff. And he had been prepared better than many because the school rules at Prince Peak required its pupils to be trilingual. Darryl chatted as happily in German and French as in English and could switch to the accent of Austria and could understand if not reproduce some of the dialects of Switzerland. Being part of the blood group helped there of course; it was easier to find languages others knew, and there were Swiss and Austrian as well as German members, ( and a few French. Indeed his beloved Mimi had been born French, had been a slave in a chateau for the first five years of her life before Severus had rescued her and made her his daughter. But his eclectic selection of languages did not alter the fact that Beauxbatons Academy of Magic was French in ways speaking the language did not cover; it was foreign in having an alien way of life. In Prince Peak, the pupils conformed, on the whole, to English customs, only the names of the meals and their times being in any way different. Kaffee und Kuchen took the place of high tea and was, as the name said, coffee and cakes. However Frühstück was still a good English breakfast of fry up or kippers or porridge with kedgeree as a side dish and croissants for those who felt continental and delicate or - in the case of most juniors - to eat to fill up any spare corners after two rashers of bacon, two sausages, two fried eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, fried bread and toast. Eleven and twelve year olds had the appetites and digestive capacities of goats and Darryl could not help wondering if Beauxbatons did less well academically than other schools because all the poor little slots got to eat in France was croissants and fruit juice. It was NOT, he felt, a breakfast on which to start the day.
Well he could take a frying pan and buy food and make his own breakfast if he felt it lacking at all.
The wizarding world at least had a fairly unified standard of education and its organisation; following the English fashion as England had been at the forefront of the wizarding world when such things were standardised. The French had been the most enthusiastic to accept the relatively new DOE, the Diploma of Ordinary Endeavour since they had an informal Brevet exam in the fourth year - the Troisième level - which was in line with the French Muggle educational system and which was now formalised as the EGG, the Examination Gagner General. It was already common for employers to take a reasonable mark at Brevet as an indication of moderate educational attainment, so changing the name and adding more details was very little change; save in terms of social change, when the possessing of such a qualification now permitted a French goblin to carry a wand. The equivalent to OWLs were the ELM, the Examinations Lycée Magique and the NEWTs were ELF, Examination Lycée Formidable. This then was no real difference; but he must remember that the forms started at the lowest with the Sixième and rose to the Premier that was the lower sixth and Terminale that was the upper sixth. Or failing that, one might just shout 'eh bien, vous p'tits gens horrible' as likely to cover anyone below the fourth year.
The school experience for the children was more akin to that of Durmstrang in some respects than that of Hogwarts; the children gathered in central France, near a town called Laroquebrou, making for a holiday-type lodge on a lake, which was much larger on the inside than on the outside. Designated teachers oversaw the activities of the children here as they foregathered, however, rather than tending to leave them to their own devices as was common in the hunting lodge of Durmstrang. They were nonetheless here to make friends over the twenty four hour period in which they would be arriving, and were then taken on in Beauxbatons Powder Blue flying carriages drawn by Granians to the palatial chateau in Provence that was the Academie. Darryl knew that as an anticipated visitor he would readily be permitted to see the Palais des Beauxbatons if he chose to go straight there; but preferred instead to overlook the children in the wild, so to speak, and would gather with them at the Lodge. And having a volunteer to help supervise them would not be likely to be turned down by such of the staff as were already there. It would not be a bear garden as Durmstrang was, by the accounts he had heard from Jade, inclined to be: one thing emphasised in the curriculum was good manners and, as the Italian members of the school might put it the 'Bella Figura', not seeming anything but perfect. But even as French chic on the outside could hide less cleanly habits then the English considered vital on the inside, so too was there much at Beauxbatons that appeared to be all style and very little substance.
Darryl had seen little to recommend their academic excellence in any of the Triwizard contenders he had seen or heard about. Darryl had been in the fourth when Lionel and Jade had made their joint win, had heard much about the French of the previous Triwizard from Victor who had been a first year when David did HIS Triwizard, and had also heard Ron and Hermione on the subject of the Triwizard Harry had taken part in and on Fleur Delacourt Weasley in particular. With whom, said Hermione, they got on better for only seeing her once a year. She was a good sort and meant well, apparently, but Hermione did not rate her as a witch. True Hermione's standards were high; but as it had been Severus' opinion that any one of the junior blood group of that era could have knocked any of the French into a cocked hat and most of the Germans too it did NOT argue for the French achievements since the Triwizard champion of each school was supposed to be their best.

p - sue what plot? swp, rating - toxic, related to blaise, je - teacher (new)

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