3502: The Seventh Year - Harry Potter

Jul 14, 2015 17:47

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: The Seventh Year
PERPETRATOR: lauramariadavis
COVER/BANNER ART: The cover is green with a glow. Scribbled onto the cover is “I HATE THAT I LOVE YOU”
SUMMARY:”Before Ron and Harry can become Aurors they must complete their NEWTs, so the Golden Trio return to Hogwarts just a few months after the war. Harry had assumed those who fought wouldn't return, so he is shocked when he discovers a former enemy is amongst the returnees. He begins to question why it is Draco Malfoy never turned him into Voldemort when he had the chance...”
SPECIES: He's to be Draco's lover.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Harry humbly turns down the head boy position. Later on “He almost laughs as he leaves. Sleep well. He hasn't slept well since… Since… Well, he can't even remember. When you've battled to the death with the most evil and powerful dark wizard to have ever lived, and been on the very brink of death, it's hard to sleep without waking from vivid, technicolour nightmares. Each night he watches Fred die again, experiences death himself again, wakes shoving his head into a pillow to mask the screams as those blood red eyes hover over him, ghostly-lips turned into a grin as he casts crucio again and again and again. Because he didn't just fight Voldemort once, and even years later he still dreams of their first meeting in the graveyard… And Cedric… […] Tears sting his eyes, so he stops just outside the common room and composes himself once more. The Fat Lady pretends she's not watching him, though he can see her glancing up from the book she's reading through the corner of his eyes. Frustrated by this, he snappily gives her the password and with an offended huff she opens up.”
ORIGIN: Everybody has to go back to school before they can start a normal life. I'm reminded of the parents who got upset that Harry dropped out of school, but Rowling honestly tackled the issue well. The usual joy felt by Harry at going to Hogwarts isn't there.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Both Harry and Ron feel “forcing them into finishing their NEWTS after bring on the front line of the war is ridiculous”, but nobody else thinks this way. I've always been bothered by the fact Harry and Ron are forced to go back to school, and then I finally realized why. Experience in the military counts as experience in real life whether it be towards college credit or job experience. Thus Harry and Ron going back to school doesn't make sense at all. He's also having nightmares regarding

NOTES: I know writing in present tense is a style choice by the writer, but I find the writer's use of present tense to be jarring. The writer doesn't know how to use present tense properly. The line “she is sat in Dumbledore's-her chair” should read “she sits in Dumbledore's-her chair”. I'd even go so far as to write this sentence as “she sits in Dumbledore's old chair-now hers”. I might have given this the “okay” rating if it weren't for the present tense problems despite the fact I suspect this will eventually get the awful rating.


When dinnertime is over Ron and Hermione, as prefects, have to take the first years to the dormitories. He says a quick farewell to them and sneaks off for a while, hiding away in the second floor's boys toilets until he thinks it's a suitable time to try McGonagall's office. He takes the stairs to the third floor two at a time and heads to the gargoyle corridor, stopping by the staircase's entrance.

'Sherbet lemons,' he mutters, and the staircase begins to ascend. He leaps onto a step and steadies himself, not having the energy to wait and climb them all once it's finished. He knocks three times, entering when he hears McGonagall call for him to do so.

She is sat in Dumbledore's-her chair, wearing a deep set of purple robes and a pointed hat to match. Her hair is slightly more dishevelled from earlier in the Great Hall, as though she has been attempting to run her hands through it. Harry finds himself wondering if she is still suffering from any after-effects of the war, and how she manages to run a school if she is.

'Come, Potter. Take a seat. I won't keep you long.'

He does as she asks, crossing the length of the room and sitting before her desk. It's much neater than Dumbledore had kept it. Not a quill, wax seal stamp or piece of parchment is out of place, and the stand that once housed Fawkes is long gone.

'I assumed this would be the last thing you would want, tonight of all nights,' she begins, 'but I wanted to see you before school began. I have kept in contact with the Weasleys-' Harry frowns at this, aware that McGonagall demands an air of respect yet feeling betrayed by this, '-and they explained you haven't been yourself. Of course, after everything I would consider this normal - but I wanted you to know that if you ever need to speak with me, about anything, my office is always open.'

'Thank you,' he says, his voice strained. He wants to say so much more than that, but he is too exhausted; experiencing that slight bout of anger has him feeling worse, 'I appreciate it.'

'There is one more thing…' She says, fixing the position of her glasses as they slip down her nose, 'as Headmistress I must choose a head boy and girl. Naturally I have already asked Miss Granger, who was more than happy to be head girl, but I wanted to offer you the position as head boy in person-'

'I can't,' Harry says, feeling his cheeks go red as he instantly regrets interrupting her. She looks alarmed at the vehement refusal. 'I'm sorry, Professor. I can't.'

'Very well,' she replies, attempting to mask how deflated this makes her. 'I apologize for keeping you, Mr Potter. Sleep well.'

'Thank you,' he murmurs, before adding: 'you too.'

pf - ewe (epilogue what epilogue), rating - bad, stu - harry potter

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