Imput Please

Apr 08, 2015 14:38

I'm wanting to get back to making sure the older entries contain all the tags needed, but I need the help of the minions. The first thing I need help with is figuring out what tags are redundant, and whether a few tags need adding. The second thing I need help with is going through the older entries to make sure they contain all the necessary tags for said entry - since I've come to Pottersues a few new tags have come up. Currently tags fall into the following categories.

General - I am currently denoting these categories with the “-” mark, but I am thinking I perhaps should use a “#” instead and leaving out the space.
Creature - Sometimes we get Mary Sues or Gary Stus which are a certain kind of creature. The only change made since I came over was to place a “c” at the beginning.
Canon Sues - When I took over Pottersues the tags were a mess. What's now marked as “CS Hermione” was marked as “Hermione Sue”, and what was marked as “CS Ginny” was marked as “Ginny Sue”. These tags ended up buried among the creature tags, and traits which described what a Sue was.
Ethnicity Sues - I decided to add tags denoting a Sues ethnic/racial background because a lot of Sues during the week I did Wizards of Waverly place crossovers were Hispanic, and I realized the writer's related to the female characters who were Hispanic because they themselves were Hispanic. There were already tags for Native American sues, and I figured some of the people reading the blog would like to find Sues of their own cultural backgrounds. I also wanted a way to celebrate Sues of different ethnic backgrounds.
Power/Trait - These two tag types used to be divided into three categories, but in reality I found one of the categories didn't work. There also seems to be an overlap of between certain tags even between the Power and Trait categories. I'm wanting to now divide them up as “ability”, “occupation”, “magic type”, “object”, “physical trait”, and “personality trait”. I'm thinking though there might be some better names for these tags, so I'll give the basic requirements for each.
Related to - Rather self explanitory - one of two tags I really didn't change since taking over Pottersues.
Week - Again - rather self explanitory - second tag I really didn't change.

Ability tags are various powers one or more of the Sues may have - this tag also covers real world abilities like academics, athleticism, artistic creativity. Occupational tags are occupations a character may have like being the new teacher or new student to the series. This said some new tags may need to be added depending on the entry. Magic Type would cover enchantress, druid and such. Objects include special objects a character may have. Physical and Personality Traits covers a Sues physical and psychological traits. I'm thinking Looks and Ego may be better names for these tags. I also need to know if I should lengthen the creature tag to say creature, and CS to say Canon Sue. I originally shortened the tag to CS to cover both Sues and Stus, but the actual term is Canon Sue.

The reorganized tags would look like this.

power - able to grow back her virginity - ability - eternal virgin
power - academics - ability - academic pursuit
power - animangus - ability - animangus
power - arts/sports/music/etc. - RETIRED
power - blood magic - ability - blood magic or magic type - blood magic
power - creature inheritance - object - test - creature inheritance
power - elemental based - ability - elemental
•power - empath - magic type - empath
•power - enchantress - magic type - enchantress
•power - flying - ability - flying
•power - from another canon - ability - #other canon
•power - grim reaper/shinigami - ability - death
•power - grim reaper/soul-reaper/shinigam - ability - death
•power - grows/restores plants - ability - plant growth
•power - healing - ability - healing
•power - immortal - ability - immortality
•power - invisability - ability - invisibility
•power - language - ability - multilingual human
•power - legilimency - ability - legilimency
•power - made up - ability - #writer created
•power - mage - magic type - mage
•power - metamorphmagus - ability - metamorphmagus
•power - multiple languages - ability - multilingual human
•power - music - ability - music
•power - necromancer - magic type - necromancer
•power - oculumency - ability - oculumency
•power - other - ability - #undefinable
•power - p - RETIRED
•power - parselmouth - ability - parselmouth
•power - photographic memory - ability - eidetic memory
•power - possessed - ability - possession/possessed
•power - priestess - magic type - priestess
•power - psy/mutant - ability - psy/mutant based
•power - seer - magic type - seer
•power - shapeshifter - ability - shapeshifter
•power - sorceress - magic type - sorceress
•power - soul mates - ego - soul mates
•power - spechul patronus - ability - patronus
•power - sports - ability - athleticism pursuit
•power - super toddler/baby - ability - child genius
•power - talks to animals - ability - multilingual animals
•power - talks to plants - ability - multilingual plants
•power - teleportation - ability - teleportation
•power - theater - ability - acting
•power - time travel - ability - time travel
•power - under age magic - ability - under aged wizard
•power - wandless magic - ability - wandless magic
•power - wiccan - magic type - wiccan
•power - wordless magic - ability - wandless magic
•power magical cores - object - test - magical cores
•trait (house sue) fifth house- occupation (house) fifth house
•trait (house sue) griffindor - occupation (house) griffindor
•trait (house sue) hufflepuff sue - occupation (house) hufflepuff
•trait (house sue) ravenclaw - occupation (house) ravenclaw
•trait (house sue) slytherin - occupation (house) slytherin
•trait - adults know nothing - ego - chuunibyou syndrom
•trait - evil!dumbledore - RETIRED - covered by two other tags
•trait - fluff train - plot type - fluff train
•trait - swp - sue what plot? - plot type - sue what plot? swp
•trait 9/11 reference - plot type - 9/11 reference or such
•trait amnesia - plot type - amnesia
•trait assassin - occupation - assassin/spy/military
•trait b swanitis - ego - b swanitis
•trait bdsm - occupation - bdsm
•trait birthmark - looks - birthmark
•trait blind - ability - blind/death/crippled
•trait bloodwrath hufflepuff - ego - bloodwrath hufflepuff
•trait bmw/other transportation - object - bmw/other muggle transportation
•trait boy who lives - occupation - boy/girl who lives
•trait crossover - plot type - crossover
•trait error in the dna - looks - dna error
•trait evangelical sue - occupation - evangelical sue
•trait fangirl - ego - fangirl/otaku
•trait feminism - ego - feminist
•trait fifth marauder - occupation - fifth marauder
•trait founder's heir - occupation - founders heir
•trait furry - combine with c catgirl for c furry/catgirl-boy
•trait gary stu - looks - gary stu
•trait gaurdian - occupation - guardian/legal guardian
•trait girl who lived - occupation - boy/girl who lived
•trait golden square - occupation - golden square
•trait happy holiday - plot type - holidays or other occupation
•trait head boy/girl/dorm - object - head dorms
•trait hermit - occupation - hermit
•trait invisable - ability - invisability
•trait ipod or other muggle device - object - ipod or other muggle device
•trait item from another canon - object #other canon
•trait jesus - cs other
•trait jesus-stu - cs other
•trait jk rowling-sue - cs Rowling
•trait lesbians - occupation - lesbian or ego - lesbian
•trait love potion etc. - object - love potion
•trait love triangle - plot type - love triangle
•trait magic stick - looks - magic stick
•trait makeover - plot type - makeover
•trait man-veela - c man-veela
•trait marriage contract/similar contract - object marriage/similar contract
•trait muggle/squib - occupation - muggle/squib
•trait mute - ability - blind/deaf/crippled
•trait neighbor and/or childhood friend - occupation - neighbor AND occupation - childhood friend
•trait new teacher(s) - occupation - new teacher
•trait new to school - occupation - new student
•trait new-next generation - plot type - new/next generation
•trait original fiction or non crossover - plot type - not fanfic and/or crossover
•trait otaku - ego - fangrl/otaku
•trait paralyzed - ablity - paralyzed
•trait parasite sue - plot type - parasite sue
•trait pepper jack cheese - object - # pepper jack cheese
•trait prankstar - occupation - prankstar
•trait prophesy - object - prophesy
•trait r - RETIRED
•trait random stuff - plot type - random
•trait real person - cs #RPF
•trait resort - place - resort
•trait resurection/sort of resurection - abilty - resurrection or sort of
•trait ron the death eater trope - ego - ron the death eater
•trait serena/serenity (name) - plot type - serena/serinity is my name
•trait shinobi/ninja/samurai/ect - occupation - shinobi/ninja/samurai/ect
•trait skip-a-grade - plot type - skip a grade
•trait some form of royalty - occupation - royalty
•trait soul mates - ego - soul mates
•trait special needs seu - ability - blind/dead/crippled (because that is how people tend to create special needs traits
•trait speshul chest - looks - speshul chest
•trait speshul eyes - looks - speshul eyes
•trait speshul hair - looks - speshul hair
•trait speshul item - object - speshul item
•trait speshul skin - looks - speshul skin
•trait speshul wand - object - speshul wand
•trait taco-show - looks - taco-show
•trait tatoo - looks - tatoo
•trait temporary uters - looks temporary uters
•trait text-block-of-doom - plot type - text-block-of-doom
•trait transfer - occupation - transfer student
•trait triwizard - occupation - triwizard competitor
•trait twin or more - occupation twin
•trait utopia - place - utopian society
•trait vegetarian/vegan - occupation - vegetarian/vegan
•trait veil travel - plot type - veil travel
•trait villian sue - occupation - villian sue
•trait wings - looks - wings
•trait you-sue - occupation - you-sue o noes

0 - news-flash

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