3486: Mystery Girl at Hogwarts - Kagome

Jun 25, 2015 19:03

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

I went through all of the characters for the particular voice actress the week is featured around and find myself ending the week with another Kagome fanfic.

TITLE: Mystery Girl at Hogwarts
PERPETRATOR: Insane is my name
COVER/BANNER ART: The writer's avatar is of a girl with white hair and dual colored eyes.
SUMMARY:”Kagome was sent back to her time after the battle with Naraku with some wounds, physically and emotionally. She gets accepted to Hogwarts and the school year gets... interesting to say the less. (Srry if it's not so good first time on this crossover)”
SPECIES: shrine maiden, angst ridden teen
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: See summary. It gets to the point where Kagome get's her letter and then freaks.
ORIGIN: I believe the writer is emulating other stories they've read.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's going to Hogwarts late, and gets her letter while in Japan.

NOTES: I think the following is a good rule of thumb for writer's to have. If you feel the need to apologize for issues in your story because it is the first time you're attempting a particular story plot line then you're likely not ready to tackle said plot line in the first place. Mind you I'm not talking about first times writing any kind of fanfic.

I honestly feel bad for the writer on this one. They received a negative review and are now not wanting to continue the story. The negative review they received wasn't criticizing them for going to Hogwarts late, or getting her letter despite living in Japan and not being registered in the book. Here is the review she got.

“The story looks interesting but the pairing won't work because Draco is a scumbag in the series, and his overall personality is like acid to someone like Kagome because Inuyasha himself would kill this guy if he met him.”

I'd like to think the writer would be continuing if they received critique on the above rather then someone criticizing them for their personal choice in pairings. I wouldn't say the pairing is one that “won't work”, but one that needs a lot of work so it will work.


"K-Kagome," Inuyasha stuttered when the glowing stopped. They all, as in Inuyasha, Sango, Shippo, gathered around the future miko. Sango, Shippo, and Miroku let out a cry seeing her chest no longer moving to take a breath, her eyes glazed over, blood trailing down her mouth, and her mouth curved into a small smile. It was smile of accomplishing the task she caused.

"You did it! She could have survived the arrow wound but no you killed her!" a teenage Shippo shouted, whirling on Inuyasha.

"I didn't mean too!" he shouted back.

"Liar! You had a smirk on your damn face!" Shippo cried kneeling to the miko and hugging her to his chest.

Shippo pulled away when the light began to glow again. They all watched as she began to fade.

"Okaa-san!" Shippo cried when she completely faded. He cried and cried.

"Kagome," Sango whispered, tears falling before turning to Miroku and crying into his chest.

"Kagome," Miroku whispered too, for once he called her without the "Lady" in front of it like usual.

*End of Flashback*

She opened her eyes and began to write again.

That was the most excruciating pain I ever felt and that's why it kills me over and over again in my dreams. I feel like I could feel everything as if I was there again but I could never hate you. I don't regret my actions either, though I have nightmares of everything over and over. Sometimes it gets too much and my head begins to hurt. I miss them so much and I hope that I will see them again, though it's unlikely.

e - asian, je - student (transfer), je - student (new to school), rating - bad, e - japanese, sue - (other canon)

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