0035: Visions Through Blood - Arianna Fairi

May 09, 2003 22:17

More from the backlog. There'll be a fresh new Sue tomorrow... raw and wriggling!

TITLE: Visions Through Blood
PERPETRATOR: Dark Angel 13388

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Arianna Fairi
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described

ORIGIN: The age-old transfer student from America. She was sent to Hogwarts by her father, because Bad Things were happening at her old school - some sort of monster is after her and keeps killing her friends for being her friends. *yawn*
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Harry's falling for her. Because, y'know, she doesn't just stare at his scar or want to get to know him because he's famous... she likes him for who he is.

NOTES: The amount of cheesy melodrama in this fic is just absurd.


Visions Through Blood by DarkAngel


The huge beast towered over the five small figures below them. It's red glowing eyes staring deeply at each of them, sucking them in, reading their thoughts.

The three girls stood slightly behind the two boys, one of them trying hard not to cry. They all looked a little worse for the wear. Suddenly, the shortest of the girls pushed in front of the boys, staring hard at the beast with her piercing blue eyes.

"Leave them alone," she shouted fiercely, "It's me you want."

The beast did not reply but stirred in angered silence. The others moved forward more, determined to help their friend. The girl smiled slightly, glad she had friends like them.

The next thing she knew, she heard a tormented cry behind her. She whipped around only to see one of the boys being raised into the air. They were being whipped around violently back and forth, and then she heard a sickening snap. The boy was thrown into the stone wall and crumpled to the floor.

"NNNOOOOOOOOOO!" the girl shouted, as tears stung her eyes, knowing this was her fault.

She rushed over to the boy, and kneeled down by his limp form. She checked his pulse, hoping dimly there might be some sign of life. Nothing. Not even a heartbeat. She started crying burying her head in his chest, she didn't care if she died anymore, she wouldn't want to live without him.

"Watch out!" one of the girls screamed.

Arianna jumped out of the way just in time. A huge, clawed hand slammed down, inches away from her. She scrambled away, still crying, and ran over to her friends. There were only three of them now.

"What happened to Laura?" she said as more tears filled up inside her. She didn't know why she had bothered asking, she already knew the answer, maybe she just had to ask in case the obvious didn't happen.

"It got her while you were gone," the boy said, wiping blood off of his forehead, "She didn't make it."

She looked at the ground then up at them intently, "You two have to leave. It's to dangerous for you here." As she finished her last word the girl beside her rose up into the air screaming.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" she shouted, but the words only angered the monster more. It threw the girl through a glass window, a shard of glass impaling her completely.

She started shoving the boy, "Go, it's not worth me, go." The more she shoved the more the boy insisted on staying.

The next thing she knew he pulled her into a very tight hug, and whispered in her ear, "I'm not leaving."

She pulled back and looked into his eyes, she knew there was nothing she could do to make him leave, "You know that if you die it will only hurt me more than you leaving me here now?"

"I don't care," he assured, "I'm not leaving you, ever." He smiled slightly, and hugged her again.

She had the urge to kiss him, right then and there, but she knew it would only give the monster reason to hurt him more. She leaned her head on his shoulder, trying not to cry, "Thank you."

"For what?" he asked. She didn't answer him, knew it would only hurt more if he was killed.

She grabbed his hand and started running, dragging him behind her. She was desperate to get away from the monster, not for herself but for him.

She wanted so bad, for it to leave them alone. She knew that if they could just elude it until sunrise they would be okay.

"Where are we going?" he asked, starting to run next to her.

"We just have to keep away from it until sunrise," she said panting, "If we just keep running we can make it." She glanced out the window and saw the sun peeking over the forest, "It won't be much longer. We just have to make it outside."

She was running faster now, no longer holding his hand. The more tired she grew the faster she ran. She had so much desire to make it through this night, a night she had lived through so many times.

Suddenly, a large roar erupted from behind them, and the ground shook as the creature fell to the floor. It was sun rise they had made it. The creature was going back to its place in hell and they were both safe for the time being.

She ran the rest of the way outside and collapsed on the front steps, panting desperately for air. Before she knew what was happening, he lifted her chin and kissed her.

She pulled away slowly, before she would of liked to, and looked at the ground.

"Sorry," he said, turning red.

She smiled and looked up at him sadly, "No don't be. I wanted you to, but we shouldn't."

"Why?" he asked. e looked so hurt, she didn't want him to be hurt, she hated that her life was like this, from one pain to another.

"Because," she started, fighting back the tears that stung in the corners of her eyes, "I'm leaving." She looked down at her bloody, dirty hands, not wanting to look him in the eye.

"You can't leave," he stammered out, she wasn't looking at him, but she knew he was hurt, "Not when-" He stopped as she leaned her forehead against his and closed her eyes.

"I know," she said, staring strait into his eyes, "But I can't stay here it's too dangerous." She could feel the tear dropping down her cheek. How unwanted it was, she hated crying, but at the moment she didn't care.

"Promise me then," he said wiping the tear from her face, "That you'll come back."

She simply nodded, "Promise."

He pulled her close and leaned against the edge of the building. They sat like that, watching the sunrise in silent appreciation, falling asleep in eachothers arms.

AUTHORS NOTE: Okay, I know this is all fluff, but we all know we love reading fluff. This wouldn't be one of my stories without it anyway. Please read and review, and yes she is transferring to Hogwarts. I have a lot of ideas of what is gonna happen there. So stayed tuned!

y - hogwarts years (non-specific), pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - bad, rom - harry potter, sw-o - bitchiwitch, ntm - mystical animal names, b - unknown hair color, ntt - dark/emo/punkish titles, ship - harry potter/oc, pf - voldemort isn't the one after them, e - american, rom - oc, pa - au - alternate backstory mangled, je - student (transfer), pc - relationship sue, b - unknown eye color

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