0036: Complications - Celeste, Chase, Rhiannon, and Damaris

May 10, 2003 22:09

As promised... nice, fresh Mary-Sue! Rrrrrrraw and Wrrrrrrrriggling! And this one has a bit of a twist to it... just when you think you've had as much of the Sues as you can possibly bear... it whips two more brand-new Sues out of its ass! P|-|34R.

TITLE: Complications

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




FULL NAME: Celeste Schoharie and Chase Tarlise, twins who have different last names "because of a long story that I’m too lazy to explain now."
SPECIES: Human/Witches
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described

ORIGIN: God only knows.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Lily Evans' best friends, one of them used to date Sirius and the other used to date Remus... and I'm too lazy to go and look up which was which.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: They play Quidditch (of course). Chase is an illegal animagus (of course) and has been since she was ten years old(?!!?). They can eat loads of candy and not get fat (or get zits). And their presence seems to turn Wormtail into a white rat instead of a brown one.

NOTES: You wanna hear something truly horrible? These two Sues are only in the first chapter. Then we enter "the students of the Zynergrand Academy" who are going to be guests at Hogwarts this year because their own school was destroyed by dark witches and wizards. So then we add Rhiannon Gilchrist and Damaris Callypso... who have a good twelve times the Sue content of our dear twins.

FULL NAME: Rhiannon Gilchrist and Damaris Callypso.
SPECIES: Human/Witches
HAIR: Rhiannon is "pale-blonde-haired". Damaris is "brunette".
EYES: Rhiannon is "bright blue-eyed" and Damaris has green eyes.

ORIGIN: Used to go to "Zynergrand Academy", which was flattened by dark wizards, so they transferred to Hogwarts and were sorted into Gryffindor, where they become best busom buds with Lily and her little friends, and set about out-Sueing them.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Lily Evans' new friends, Rhiannon falls for Sirius and makes Chase jealous. Damaris looks to have a thing for James, but I couldn't read that much.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Out-Sueing what looked to be the story's star Sues.


AN - continuation (some parts) of MLPP, u don’t need 2 read that coz it’s long…but I’d be really grateful if u do…

Title: Complications

Summary: if ur not illiterate then u must know already -_-

Rating: PG 13

Dedication: To Dianne, who died at the age of 12 on April 19, 2002 because she was too nice for this earth, to Alwyn, who is the best friend anybody could have, and to Steffi, coz even if we haven’t kept in touch for years and there’s a big chance that she won’t get to read this, she’ll always be a true friend to me. (There…now enough sap coz I am not…)

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all recognizable stuff in this story belong to JK Rowling, Warner Bros, Scholastic Inc., the other publisher that I don’t know the name of (sorry) and whoever else has the right to it. The plot and additional characters, spells and places are mine.

AN again - I just put that to make my fic look longer lol ^_^; review after u read plz…

'MLPP' stands for 'Moony, Lily, Padfoot, and Prongs'. The summary of that one says James, Sirius, Remus and Lily in their fourth year. For readers who love the older generation of wizards as teenagers but hate (or at least dislike) Peter Pettigrew. The new (old?) schoolyear must be pretty productive. Chapter 21's up.

ntn - star and sky names, y - hogwarts years (non-specific), ship - remus/oc, be - blue eyes, rom - james potter, ap - athletic pursuit, ntt - tomboy names, ship - james/oc, rom - sirius black, sw-o - sparklypoos, rating - awful, ntb - tolkienish names, ac - animagus, sw-o - bitchiwitch, be - green eyes, b - unknown hair color, ph - gryffindor house, rom - remus lupin, bh - blond/blonde hair, rom - oc, ntm - god and goddess names, nts - different last names for siblings, ship - sirius/oc, je - student (transfer), bh - brown hair, p - thirty sue pile up, b - unknown eye color, pt - romance rivals

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