3470: Lyra Riddle - Lyra Riddle

May 29, 2015 22:34

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: Lyra Riddle
COVER/BANNER ART: Here avatar is a picture of a girl in black and white with red lips.
SUMMARY:”I have long lived a life of lies and betrayal. I am the Dark Lord's unknown daughter. My name is Lyra Riddle. And I seek the truth.” and ”Tom Riddle, commonly known as he-who-must-not-be-named did not know about the legacy he left behind seventeen years ago. But his past will catch up with him. When Lyra finds him, the true impact of her idea becomes something unforeseen, something dangerous. Some people are trying to take advantage of Lyra's state of condition, especially Bellatrix Lestrange developes a curious interest for the new girl that is Lord Voldemort's daughter.”
FULL NAME: Lyra Riddle
SPECIES: Voldemort's daughter
HAIR: n/a
EYES: At one point her eyes are described as dark.
POSSESSIONS: She has a mysterious past.
CONNECTION TO CANON: This story is supposed to take place Harry's final year. The first chapter opens up with a very weird POV piece from the OC and then moves to her walking through a villiage getting hit on by some weird guy. Somehow she ends up at the Three Broomsticks. She's offered a drink and she flat out says she wants to find Voldemort. She's asked if she wants to become a death eater. (I guess “natter” would be a good way to describe this fic.) Apparently she's talking to Yaxley. The conversation lasts more through more then one chapter, but then I realized the OC jumped to Hogwarts. I'm not sure how.
ORIGIN: “Hey everyone! Welcome to another Fanfiction, in case you read any of my previous ones. Make sure to read my warnings because there will be Bellatrix and OC interaction (you know I love Bella!) however, this one will be a bit different. On any note, you don't have to read my previous FFs in order to understand this one. I'd be glad if you did, though! Enjoy your stay and please review every once in a while, that never demotivated anyone!” The writer warns about the work containing non-con.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's somehow Voldemort's daughter. She somehow walks into Hogsmede unnoticed. She's apparently had no introduction to the Wizarding world prior to the first chapter.

NOTES: The story is painful to read. I'm not sure exactly what it is that makes this one painful other then I know it's poorly written.


A burning sensation rushed through my body when I woke up today. Nobody else knew but I did. My life would change. Everything would change. After the longest time, I have finally found enough courage to accept it. Was it not very interesting to think that I held change itself in the palm of my hands and all he had to do was to wait until I arrive? But how can somebody wait when there was nobody to be expected? And how long have I pushed it away, denied it, no, when I found out, I am not one of him, not one of them. How much time had passed ever since I first came across the idea that I, at some point, would finally stand in front of him. That I, at some point, would possibly look into his eyes, stand before HIM, would tell him the most shocking news that could ever reach his ears. I am very certain that he never knew about me, they told me, the man, Tom, never had a clue. Would he think I am a liar? Would he kill me on the spot? Would he stare at me or ignore me? Would he laugh at me? Kill me? Embrace me? I am a witch. I inherited his magical abilities.
I am the Dark Lord's daughter and he does not yet know.
My heart beats faster and faster as I go. England looks different. But I am ready.
Ready to solve the riddle that is my life.

Lyra walked into the village covered in autumn leafs. Her dark eyes wandered around the black dyed scenery; it was beautiful. The coldness and sense of dread that the sky seemed to carry was not unwelcoming enough to make her leave abruptly, however, did not invite her to stay longer than needed. Freezing in the cold wind, Lyra made her way into a warm and cozy pub. All eyes turned to her when her cloak glided off of her body and she ignored the wolf-whistling that erupted with amused chuckling and the occasional "hey babe!"'s. She had feared this would come once her eyes fell through the yellow tinted windows outside before, but she was particularly surprised when she had to dodge a stranger trying to pull her closer by the waist.
Lyra looked at him intensively, looked into his dull colorless eyes, and his devious smirk was replaced with instant blankness as he gulped. He let go of Lyra and she slowly turned her face away, choosing to sit by the lonely counter.

rating - awful, related to voldemort, p - sue what plot? swp

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