Don't forget about
Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on
Harry Potter and the Year of ChangePERPETRATOR:
COVER/BANNER ART: The cover is a piece of parchment with the title written on said piece with a quill pen.
SUMMARY:”-DISCONTINUED- Summer after 5th yr Harry's back at the Dursley's & he's starting to figure things out. IndependentHarry. ManipulativeDumbledore. Dumbledore/Ron/Ginny/Mrs Weasley Bashing. SLASH. DMHP. Veela Draco. TopDraco BottomHarry. SuperHarry. Don't Like, Don't Read.”
FULL NAME: Harry “Hadrian” James Potter-Black
SPECIES: fan!Veela
HAIR: See markings...
EYES: See markings...
MARKINGS: “He had also started exercising daily. He figured it would be a good idea as it would help him with duelling. The fitter you were the longer you could stand in a duel. He had taken to running for an hour or two every morning and night. And doing push ups, sit ups and lifting the weights he had found in the bin at the start of summer. Over all it was having a good effect. He was starting to fill out and get some muscles. Though he still hadn't grown which annoyed him a lot. He was currently 5'4" and was the shortest boy at Hogwarts from 3rd year and up.” He's also one of Merlin's heir through the Evan's side.
POSSESSIONS: “And he got a book on the animagus transformation from Tonks.” “He got a set of DADA books from Remus...” He, Hermione and Narcissa all get something from Sirius' will.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter goes into how Harry was left on the Dumbledore's doorstep as well as how Harry suspects Molly when there really is no reason for someone to suspect her. Harry then proceeds to escape from the Dursley family, and now comes across one of those kids who runs away because they don't like being bossed around by adults.
ORIGIN: “I just wanted to let you know that I am bringing the timeline forward 10 years. So Harry was born in 1990 instead of 1980 and started Hogwarts in 2001. Therefore the current year is 2006. Sorry if this confuses you but I makes it easier for me to know what technology and music was around. I'm not really one for research so I'll just change the timeline. *smiles*” (This seems familiar as well.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Harry decides to pick up Occlumency on his own with a book. His blocked abilities include Metamorphmagi, Multi -Animagus , Elvin Magic, Vampiric Magic. His unblocked abilities include Occlumency, Legilmency, Swordmaship, Graceful, Healing, Elemental, Staff handling and Crafting, Photographic Memory, Beast-Speaker, Agility, Martial Arts, Graceful (the writer listed it twice), Shadow Travel, Light and Quick on feet, Hand to Hand Combat, Photograpnic Memory, Aura Sight, Speed, Shadows, Magic (95% blocked)
NOTES: I thought I featured this story already, but when I did a search of the journal entries it didn't show up. I believe the entry was the one where I said Harry wasn't a reader like the writer made him out to be, and this story does the same thing. I believe there was something about Molly asking where Platform 9¾ was. I found this regarding the subject on the Harry Potter wiki.
“On his search for Platform 9¾, Harry overhears Molly Weasley asking her children "What platform was it again?" to which Ginny replies "9¾". Considering that she must have been on that platform about 20 times, it seems odd that she can't remember its number but it is likely that she was just checking her children's knowledge and memory, or trying to make Ginny feel included.”
The writer's pretty much is trying to improve Rowling's work, but all they end up doing is turning Harry into a narcissistic jerk. That's normal. (Seriously! These better versions of Harry Potter AREN'T better!)
I had enough after the inheritance list. The writing is horribly bland, and it felt like the writer was trying to make Harry a Gary Stu on purpose. The entry is similar to many of the entries featured within the last three to six months. Something about the story also feels forced. Thus the troll rating. Otherwise the story would have a troll rating.
After thinking about Dumbledore's part in Sirius' death he started thinking about what happened each school year and came to a conclusion. Dumbledore knew. Either that or he was behind everything. The Headmaster of Hogwarts knew everything that happened within the castles walls as the portraits, the ghosts and even Hogwarts herself let him know what was going on. At least that's what it said in Hogwarts, A History.
Yes he had finally read it after years of Hermione telling him that he should.
Another thing he wondered about was the Weasley's. Why would a woman who had 2 children already graduated from Hogwarts, 3 children currently attending Hogwarts, 1 stating that year and 1 due to start the year after walk through a muggle train station yelling for all the world to hear "Now, where is platform 9¾?". Harry hoped beyond hope that it was just a coincidence and nothing more. Though they had not done that since his first year.
Harry also hoped that his friends were his friends and not just friends with him because of his fame or something like that. Though after thinking about it for a long while he realized that Ron had not ever been that good of a friend. He always got jealous of Harry. Harry honestly had no idea why he was still friends with the red head especially after the events of fourth year. But he would come back to that later.
He had spent the first week going over all of this and had decided to come up with solutions to all the problems later. For the last week he had been rereading all his course books from the different years at Hogwarts.
A/N: If you like or have a comment or question please take the time to review.