3324: Mate and School - Samantha Angelina Snape, Melody... others

Oct 01, 2014 22:13

My mind told me the last day I posted was yesterday. What a liar it is.

Don't forget about the fanfic contest. I don't agree with the tone of the link of the day. It can though be frustrating for some fanfic readers to go looking for a good fanfic only to find that the category they're looking through happens to be be filled with the writer's fantasies rather then attempts to actually write stories. So if a Suethor reads this link, stop and think about how some of the other readers feel about always finding such stories.
- Flashback Sue... Pizza flavored Pringles during the Maurader time frame?

TITLE: Mate and School I'm quite sure the writer isn't referring to friendship.
PERPETRATOR: CelestiaAngel29
COVER/BANNER ART: The cover is of Lucios photoshoped onto a stylized background.
SUMMARY:”AU, A story of forbidden love, what would happen one day, after the war the light had won, that Severus's only child, Samantha becomes a student at the famed magical school known as Hogwarts... And what's this? Lucius Malfoy is a professor at Hogwarts? And a hidden Prophecy? LM/OC, HP/OC(different) DM/HG, Narcissa Black/ OC(different) BW/OC(different) Read and find out! 14 is up!”
FULL NAME: Samantha Angelina Snape, Melody
SPECIES: Samantha is Snape's daughter of course. Melody is Samantha's step-mother. Someone is a vampire, someone is a Veela and someone is a Siren...
HAIR: “... shoulder length midnight hair...”
EYES: “...enchanting ocean blue eyes.”
MARKINGS: I'm trying to figure out how old Samantha is as well as when this story takes place. Is she eighteen? I'm honestly not sure.“... there was something exotic about her... […] pale smooth skin, curces, yet lean toned, full breasts...” “Samantha's step mother Melody, had hair about the same shade as Hermione's but abit darker, she was tall and slender, unlike Samantha's and Hermione's slightly shorter statures, with beautiful brown eyes, and naturally sun kissed skin; she had traditional teaching robes that belonged to Hogwarts. Melody, looked around and made her brown stare back on Ron, however remained silent, ''Care to repeat yourself Mr. Weasley,'' Asked Lucius as he placed his gloved index finger onto his cold silver snake headed pimp cane, Samantha couldn't help but to look at him, he was beautiful...
POSSESSIONS: “Draco was in his trademark casual black attire, with his hair abit longer than what he had rememebered, Hermione was just in a simple pair of khaki capirs, and a pink tank top, with a pair of white wedges; and Hermione's hair was abit longer and loose around hair back. The young couple then smiled and watched Harry walk up to them wearing his regular jeans and a tshirt and his favorite pair of sneakers.” “Harry had noticed that his girlfriend was in a black school girl robes before the sorting ceremony it had contrasted well with her pale skin and a pair of black wedges, that made her 5'5'' stature taller; and a black cloak made of silk; Ron was in a hand me down clothes- Samantha and Ron were so preoccupied with one upping eachother, they didn't notice that Ron's two former best friends were behind him and two adult males that had decided to watch and just incase if things had gotten out of hand thye would interviene, one of the males had jaw length black hair and dark eyes, that one was Severus Snape Samantha's father; the other by Severus had almost white blonde hair that he always kept pulled back in a low pony tail. When his cold silvery blue eyes had fallen upon Samantha two years ago, he claimed her, he had wanted her for himself, no one else would have her but Lucius Kayne Malfoy...”
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter is about character bashing Ron and turning him into a mean jerk who claims the only reason she is allowed into the school is because her father is Snape. Everybody is having to explain to Samantha how the school works.
ORIGIN: We know that Harry and Samantha have been dating for two years. “... it took her 'VERY' over protective father one Severus Snape a good long time to accept it that didn't mean that he had to like it!”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “He, Harry, was dating the most beautiful girl that he had ever laid his eyes on- her name was Samantha Angelina Snape...” “Samantha was sweet and funny and highly powerful not to mention the most intelligent, through and through she was perfect.” “As Harry Potter entered his seventh and final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he had became Head prefect, Hermione and Draco Headboy and Headgirl, things were nearly falling into place.” Snape wasn't in love with just one worman other then Lily, but a second one.

NOTES: We have another writer whose definition of AU is “writer's version of events” or “not Rowling's version of events”. I think there should be a good tag for this, like “AU: [something]”, but I'm not sure what it is. It will be used for stories where writer identifies the story as AU, but it's not really AU. Not sure how to better explain that.

Actually... the writer says in the author's note at the beginning of the chapter, “the pairings are going to be DM/HG, HP/ unknown atm, LM/OC, and somewhat AU, Read and review!” Either something is AU or it is not. There is no such thing as semi-AU. Digging into the actual story... it is far from well written. The grammar is awful.

You know what I care more about then the writer doing what ever they want without caring about the original canon? I care far more about the fact this writer doesn't seem to care about the grammar in her story. Perhaps there is a reason for the bad grammar. I couldn't read past the second chapter as the plot is honestly very weak.

Looking at the writer's profile I think that I'll do a Kagome-Sue week. This means Inuyasha crossovers.


About six weeks after the battle with Voldemort, the light side had won Harry James Potter battled with the toughest and most evil wizard, true his doings were terrible beyond the pale; yes however they were great... He, Harry, was dating the most beautiful girl that he had ever laid his eyes on- her name was Samantha Angelina Snape, that's right Severus Snape's only daughter; him and Samantha have been dating exclusive for two years, but yet he wanted more. Samantha was sweet and funny and highly powerful not to mention the most intelligent, through and through
she was perfect. But he wasn't happy, somehow he could tell that Samantha wasn't either, why couldn't he have something like Draco and Hermione have?

Was that too much to ask? It was baffling to say in the least, true when he first saw Samantha he was drawn to her, there was something exotic about her, shoulder length midnight hair, pale smooth skin, curves, yet lean toned, full breasts and enchanting ocean blue eyes. When he first met her, he thought that he had died and went to heaven, he cared for her, and loved her dearly but as a close friend and before the final with Voldemort; she and Harry had drifted apart, true it took her 'VERY' over protective father one Severus Snape a good long bit of time to accept it that didn't mean that he had to like it!

As Harry Potter entered his seventh and final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he had became Head prefect, Hermione and Draco Headboy and Headgirl, things were nearly falling into place. Then something had popped in his head, he saw Hermione and Draco! He had picked up his pace ''Guys!'' The raven haired green eyed now eight teen year old had waved to them excitedly, while running to them, ''Harry!'' They both had called out happily, actually Harry didn't really have a problem with Hermione and Draco being together; however Ronald Weasley did- See Draco had plucked up the courage to ask Hermione, after being her friend for a long time after he had apologied to her and to Harry for everything that he had said and had done.

Ron couldn't believe it! Eversince then the youngest male Weaslely had kept his distance from the three and then Samantha and Harry were dating, as Harry had made it to the two, Draco was in his trademark casual black attire,
with his hair abit longer than what he had rememebered, Hermione was just in a simple pair of khaki capirs, and a pink tank top, with a pair of white wedges; and Hermione's hair was abit longer and loose around hair back. The young
couple then smiled and watched Harry walk up to them wearing his regular jeans and a tshirt and his favorite pair of sneakers.

After hugging both Hermione and Draco, they were talking asking eachother how was there summer holidays, ''Oh that's right how was Italy you two?'' Harry asked as they were looking for Samantha, ''It was fantastic!'' Hermione had
said while wrapping her arms around Draco's taller and muscular frame. Harry would make a mental note to go to Italy, for awhile, ''How was yours?'' Asked Draco, while placing his arm around Hermione's lean waist, until they had noticed
sounds of a verbal altercation going on to their right?

The three then had gotten closer while fighting their way through the crowds of teenage boys and girls, they had finally gotten in the center of the sea of people, to observe Samantha and Ron in the middle of a verbal argument once more.

Harry had noticed that his girlfriend was in a black school girl robes before the sorting ceremony it had contrasted well with her pale skin and a pair of black wedges, that made her 5'5'' stature taller; and a black cloak made of silk; Ron was in a hand me down clothes- Samantha and Ron were so preoccupied with one upping eachother, they didn't notice that Ron's two former best friends were behind him and two adult males that had decided to watch and just incase if things had gotten out of hand thye would interviene, one of the males had jaw length black hair and dark eyes, that one was Severus Snape Samantha's father; the other by Severus had almost white blonde hair that he always kept pulled back in a low pony tail. When his cold silvery blue eyes had fallen upon Samantha two years ago, he claimed her, he had wanted her for himself, no one else would have her but Lucius Kayne Malfoy...

''Oh really Ronald!'' Countered Samantha not backing down, both had their wands out and both were ready to duel, all who knew Samantha knew that she was not a push over no where near by a longshot and they also knew that Ron would pull a few dirty moves.

So did Samantha, ''Oh come off it Samantha! Everyone knows that you were allowed in Hogwarts for only one reason and one reason alone, was because the greasy git death eater trash that is your father!'' Seething pulling her wand directly in his face ''You sorry wanker! Take those words back about my father, or I'll curse your balls off! Oh I forgot you have to have a set!'' As Ron then glared and said ''Why you little slut!'' Then he held up his wand ...

ct - vampire (part), rating - toxic, je - student (new to school), related to snape, b - speshul skin, b - speshul figure, b - speshul eyes, ct - veela (full), b - speshul hair, ct - siren (full)

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