The Flashback Sues for today are
43 to .
- 43: All stories deleted.
- 44: Account deleted. Weird... it was still there when I took over the blog.
- 45: No more stories.
- 46: A couple of fics for Gone with the Wind
- 47:
fanfic contest- link of the day
- Flashback Sue
Journal of a self obsessed resentful SlytherinPERPETRATOR:
cloudofcalm (originally Firefly)
FULL NAME: Astra Sinestra/Snape, Elizabeth Weasley
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: Textbooks, journal
CONNECTION TO CANON: Astra throws a tantrum because she has to go to Hogwarts and be taught. Her parents have to take her journal away... an hour is to much for her. She wines that their exposing her to Shakespere will leave her in therapy. She wonders if she can change her surname and makes fun of the names in Shakespere. (Seriously?) She then whines about how Elizabeth Weaslye is tan and she hates tanned people because “they look like cocktail sausages, basted in sauce, and fried in the sunlight. Then later she admits that it's because she's pale like Snape and looks like a vampire. Elizabeth is expected to be top student and play pranks on people. Despite it being her first year she's already had interaction with the Diviations teacher.
ORIGIN: She is a rude little brat who happens to be the daughter of Auriga Sinistra and Severus Snape. Auriga is a character from another writers story.
NOTES: Whining... the constant whining...
Journal of a Self Obsessed, Resentful Slytherin
12.30 pm, Bedroom 22nd of July 2006
Mother just informed me that I'm going to Hogwarts. Told her firmly, no, I wasn't, and Dad can go jump if he intends to force me to endure Potions with him as a teacher. The fact that I merely *look* like him is enough to make me want to drink one of his foul poisons. Then she fed me some idiotic spiel about 'obsidian oily silk'. Highly insulting. My hair is *not* greasy!
12.35 pm
Well, maybe a little.
12.37 pm
Fine. It is. But if you had a choice between wild, frizzy hair like your mother, or slightly greasy hair like your father, which would *you* choose?
2.00pm Diagon Alley 29th August
They confiscated my journal. Evil parents. It's not my fault I rely on writing my 'innermost thoughts' (my mother) or, 'Pointless, mindless drivel, all Auriga's fault' (my father). And they took my journal away.
My father is a bastard. Yet another thing I inherit from my mother. A lack of talent where name-calling occurs. Damn!
And I lost the battle, in case you're wondering. I'm going to Hogwarts.
Dad insisted in Malkin's on buying a green school scarf. Silly really. Does he think I'd get Sorted into his house?
No way in this galaxy. No, if that flea ridden hat even suggests it I'll..