2371: Forbidden Familiars - Hermione, Ginny, Lavender, Pansy, Draco

Jul 10, 2014 00:01

The next week picked by the winner of last years contest is “special pet week”. I actually suggest caution if you click on the link for today's entry. It contains MA content and beastality. It's why I placed the LJ cut sooner. It's honestly as bad as “those”.
- There are twenty two days left until fanfic contest starts.
- Sorry for dredging Mermidian Silke up for the Flashback Sue today, but that is the one that popped into my head for today.
- I found an interesting rant for the Tom/Harry ship for todays entry.

TITLE: Forbidden Familiars
PERPETRATOR: juggernut
SUMMARY:”Hermione discovers a way for Witches to become more powerful, the need to obtain Familiars. Beast, F/F, F/B/F, Internal, More to come soon. MATURE ONLY”
FULL NAME: Hermione, Ginny, Lavender, Pansy, Draco
SPECIES: We have a bunch of witches who want to be just as powerful as males and will do anything to get power. I sadly do mean anything.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: “One Month Later […] Everyone began to realize that the growing bump in Ginny's belly was more then a few too many pumpkin treats, Ginny had a reputation around the boys in the school but no body could actually believe it Ginny Weasley was Knocked up for sure. […]
Ginny wore her baby bump with pride around campus, since the baby was conceived though magical purposes the process was speeding along, she was already showing to be about 3 months pregnant. She loved the feeling of her young fowl growing inside of her.”
POSSESSIONS: Hermione found a really disgusting book in the restricted section that I for some reason really doubt would actually be kept even in that section. Draco ends up with the book eventually as well and Pansy has bondage.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Hermione finds a very, very bad book and decides to do what the book says without second thought. They need to give birth to familiars. “The girls were nervous at first, but started to get rather giddy at the idea of getting pregnant, carrying around a little baby in their wombs, it was going to be magical.” Ginny's is a unicorn. Hermione's struggling to find her animal... so “ermione had been working on a way to expand their little club, if she couldn't find her bond animal then she would do everything in her power to help every girl she knew learn about this magical Ritual...” Everybody is wondering who the baby is and Lavender starts wanting a baby too with Ron. Since he rejects her Hermione decides to help her friend out. Hers is a Hippogriff. Buckbeak just so happens to be there for a grooming. Draco then wants to make his Pansy even more powerful and hers is a basilisk. Sbe's going to have multiple babies.
ORIGIN: Apparently there is a power difference between male and female wizards. Scratch that... “She Showed the book to her roommate Ginny, who like her and many other girls at hogwarts, was sick of all the boys showing off their power, it was time for the girls to get the upper hand. “
SPECIAL ABILITIES: We have a bunch of conceited girls who think its the guys who are a problem when they are just power hungry, which makes them worse then the boys. They do this by creating familiars. *cough* By giving birth to them. To quote Hermione... "no no, not pregnant from boys, we need to get pregnant with our familliars, we have sex with a creature of our familiar, and then we will get impregnated, then give birth to a magical creature of our very own" (Logically speaking, this wouldn't be a familiar but a half breed.) Apparently making love to a beast is enough to swear a girl off guys... according to Ginny. Pansy is able to look in the basilisk's eyes

NOTES: I wish writers wouldn't try to force inequality between men and women where it wouldn't actually be just so they can write what they feel is a pro feminist work promoting female power. It just ends up being horribly anti-pro feminist instead. This one in particular is about fetishes more then anything.

Actually... the improbability of this one is major.


Hermione was frustrated, she hated the fact that with all her knowledge and skill she just could not out preform Harry and Ron in terms of pure power since their forth year.

Sure her extra knowledge gave her a heads up, but by the time Ron and Harry came into themselves as wizards they left Hermione in the dust, she could preform more spells then them thanks to memorization alone, but while she could summon a book across the room, Harry could call a broomstick across the campus.

Ever since McGronagall gave her a pass to browse the restricted section she frantically searched for any kind of text on making herself more powerful, able to out preform her male counterparts...when she found it.

Witches Riches

The opening page of the book read

A set of power boosting rituals for witches by witches, impossible for wizards to copy...

sue - ginny weasley, stu - draco malfoy, p - sue what plot? swp, sue - pansy parkinson, sue - lavender brown, rating - toxic, sue - hermione granger

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