3270: Herigh - Harry "Herigh" Potter

Jul 09, 2014 01:00

Here is the other story on KitKat825's profile that screamed feature me to me. I'd say the wall of text on this one is far worse.
- There are twenty three days left until fanfic contest starts.
- Ginny-sue is our Flashback Sue for the day. I was searching the word “anti” to try and find anti-feminism used in any of the older entries. It's one of those out there entries I think and it is still there on the site.
- I was working on finding a link of the day that talks about not labeling characters Mary Sues because they have the symptoms of a Mary Sue and instead found this. Instead we have another case of people labeling characters as Mary Sues because they have the symptoms of a Mary Sue and not because they actually are Mary sues. Let me make it clear that an empowered character does not equate a Mary Sue and asking for more Mary Sues does not get you more empowered characters either. This... and the writer of the article seems to have forgotten that the series in question isn't aimed at females in the first place. The target audience is males.

TITLE: Herigh
COVER/BANNER ART: None... older fic...
SUMMARY:”Harry comes into his inheritance. Darkfic PreHBP Snarry Darkfae!Harry Submissive!Snape Anti dumbles and Mione maybe Ron I redid Ch. 2 sorry bout the spacing wasnt paying much attention.”
FULL NAME: Harry “Herigh” Potter
HAIR: “'I do,' was the quiet but strong response from the boy kneeling before the thrown, his dark black hair growing in moments from short and wild to long and straight.”
EYES: “Straightening his posture once more, he opened his eyes; the color of his iris matching his new wings seemed to take over the entirety of his eye before returning back to normal.”
MARKINGS: “Suddenly he collapsed onto the floor before him, two large wings bursting out from his back. The wings now expanded covered the majority of his back, outlined in black the main color was emerald green and had some sort of pattern across them in a silvery sort of black. “ Says Pomfrey of his wings, “From what I know of fae, your wing color represents your position on there cast system. You Harry are of the royal fae court."
POSSESSIONS: He's got some kind of Fae attached to him that is asking “master” to save him. It turns out that it is Snape and Snape's name is now “Sashin”.. He also ends up with a big family that doesn't seem to include Petunia and Dudley.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Harry thinks it is only a dream, come down stairs with his wings and gets kicked out of the house by Vernon. He then proceeds to fly to Hogwarts without any concern about being seen doing this and is greeted by Madam Pomfrey as if nothing ever happened. Pomfrey tells Dumbledore that Harry is in no condition to see Dumbledore and Dumbledore pull the whole “As long as he is in my School he is under my authority.”
ORIGIN: We have another story where the writer thinks Harry needs help defeating the Dark Lord so they Godmode Stu him.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “You have a job to complete. As you are only a maternal half fae you should not be as affected in there world as if you were of pure fae blood. However you must be careful of your glamour. Keep it on at all times. No one must know of your true heritage, it will be the only thing that will allow you to defeat the Dark Lord.” (Maternal side? Then what about Dudley and Petunia?)

NOTES: One of the first things I saw when I clicked on the actual title was this in the author's note for the writer. “I do not own the idea of the unseelie court nor any ideas of fae. They all come from the brilliant Holly Black.” *slaps forehead* Nor does Holly Black own these ideas either. What the writer doesn't say is that this technically is a crossover with Holly Black's works.

Oh... and Harry calling Snape “my Severus Snape” in the second chapter... creepy. I stopped reading this one at the point Harry says, "Yes sashin, I love you. I have loved you even before I knew you were my mate. Truthfully I fell in love with you last year, although I have always liked and respected you. But don't think that means you are gunna control this relationship. I am your dominant for a reason. But to the question you posed, it was pertaining to the treatment I was receiving at my supposed Aunt and Uncle's home."


"Do you Herigh hereby solemnly swear to abide by the rules set before you by the unseelie and King Roiben?"

"I do," was the quiet but strong response from the boy kneeling before the thrown, his dark black hair growing in moments from short and wild to long and straight. Suddenly he collapsed onto the floor before him, two large wings bursting out from his back. The wings now expanded covered the majority of his back, outlined in black the main color was emerald green and had some sort of pattern across them in a silvery sort of black. Straightening his posture once more, he opened his eyes; the color of his iris matching his new wings seemed to take over the entirety of his eye before returning back to normal.

"You have now come into your rightful inheritance Herigh." The regal blonde upon the throne stated. "However you must return to ironside. You have a job to complete. As you are only a maternal half fae you should not be as affected in there world as if you were of pure fae blood. However you must be careful of your glamour. Keep it on at all times. No one must know of your true heritage, it will be the only thing that will allow you to defeat the Dark Lord." Looking up at the king, Herigh nodded once and looked back down. "I will send you back now Herigh; remember you are no longer alone. We are always watching over you, all you need do is call and we will be there. Now wake-up young fae, your uncle is calling for you."

"BOY!" Vernon screamed up the stairs. Harry jumped up starting at his usual wake up call. Vaguely recalling the dream he just woke from. It had seemed so real, yet he knew it couldn't be, for he was still here. He was still just Harry Potter, the boy-who-just-couldn't-die. Sighing he trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen to prepare his "family" some breakfast.

Just as he was finishing the toast; the rest of breakfast already sitting on the table; his overly large cousin waddled through the door. Looking up at Harry, Dudley screamed "Dad the freaks gone and done something freaky again," His uncles' thunderous footsteps stomping down the stairs and into the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen Vernon stopped dead in his tracks, his wife who had been following him ran into him falling onto the kitchen floor. She screamed as she looked up and saw Harry. "W...w…what have you done now," She spat "What are you talking about," Harry asked. "Those things, what are those hideous things growing from you back, boy?" His uncle asked finally getting his voice back. "What things?" Harry asked, looking at his reflection in the toaster he notice the two wings that had grown out of his back in his dream. The fluttered spastically hitting his hair which he noticed was now a bout two inches past his shoulders. "Merlin's beard, it wasn't a dream." He now looked at the rest of his changes; his once permanently tan skin was now a milky white, his body now filled out of his malnutrition, and he looked even more feminine than ever before. He was torn from his observations when he heard his uncle screaming at him. "You unnatural little freak," Vernon spat, "How dare you bring more of your freakishness into my house. Get out, now, before I kick you out. You are no longer welcome here. If you're not gone in half an hour I'll make you regret ever coming here in the first place." His face now a disgusting shade of purple, Harry just sneered at him and hissed, "Like I'd ever choose to stay here." He calmly walked out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and into his bedroom where he promptly plopped face first on his bed in tears. 'Why does everything always have to happen to me?' He thought, curling up on his side trying not to disturb his new wings that were still fluttering from time to time. Quietly he threw up a silencing and locking charm, and quickly fell into a restless sleep.

Two deep black orbs were all he saw, they followed him wherever he went. What were they doing here, what did they mean? 'They almost look like eyes,' he pondered. All of a sudden there was a large face. A face around those deep orbs. Not just any face, his face; the face that had been haunting his dreams, lurking in the shadows, following him tormenting him with that deep gaze, and those fathomless eyes, so full of emotion that never dared to show itself on his hardened face. That face so smooth and pale, almost always emotionless, except for here. Here his face was flooded with all the emotion his eyes carried. Here he begged and pleaded me to take the pain away, to keep him safe. I tried to talk to him, how was I supposed to keep him safe if I couldn't even protect myself? His only response was the emotion in his eyes doubling, pleading with me. His face started to fade away now. Just as always, he was almost gone now. When just his eyes and mouth remained he whispered, "Please, please master, save me."

jr - royalty, rating - toxic, p - crossover, bp - wings, pt - soul mates, b - speshul eyes, ct - fairy/fae (part), stu - harry potter, b - speshul hair

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