3269: The Potter + Riddle Prophesy - Rachel Riddle

Jul 08, 2014 20:42

Here is the last day of Prophesy Week. Seems like all the entries were older entries more then ten years old including todays.
- There are twenty four days left until fanfic contest starts.
- I picked a random number in my head and ended up with Joanna Potter for our Flashback Sue for today.
- It's not the stamp or the creators rant that drew my attention on this one but the well founded critique of the work. This said, I was actually looking for an article about how sometimes a character will contain the symptoms of being a Mary Sue but sucessfully not be a Mary Sue. I know I've read some.

TITLE: The Potter + Riddle Prophesy
COVER/BANNER ART: None... the story is from 2002.
SUMMARY:”What the hell? Voldermont has a daughter?! Hell funny, totally rocks ppls.”
FULL NAME: Rachel Riddle
SPECIES: Voldemorts daughter...
HAIR: “long brown eyes”
EYES: “mysterious”
CONNECTION TO CANON: Harry, Hermione and Ron are being allowed to throw a surprise party at night for Hagrid. While they're waiting for Dumbledore to let Hagrid in for dinner a letter is suddenly delivered and they find out that Dumbledore is in trouble. More along the lines of Dumbledore needing him because it is an emergency, but what ever. They all then say happy birthday to Hagrid, but his birthday isn't for a week or so. Dumbledore and Snape are missing, but they come in towards the end of chapter three.
ORIGIN: While they are so excited about Hagrids surprise birthday party Rachel is being sorted into Gryffindor.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: None... never got far enough. There is some kind of odd 99.97562% in potions for Hermione

NOTES: Why did I give this one such a low rating? It's for the simple fact that this one never got past the symptoms that indicate a character is going to be a Mary Sue. We see her in chapter four and find out some basic information about her, but we never get to meet her.


Because one reviewer sounded the cry of Mary Sue before the writer really introduced her. This wasn't someone claiming the character was a Mary Sue because the character is Voldemort's daughter. They had to have known about that before they entered the story and even say :the concept was sou sound” at the beginning of their review. It kind of feels like they slapped on the label because she has mysterious eyes and/or the idea of Voldemort's daughter being sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin was not believable to them.

Then again, this may just be me.

I just know that we didn't get to the possible good yummy Sue stuff on this one.


Okay, then, now that everyone has met Miss Riddle, I shall tell you what the sorting hat has decided for her." Dumbledore said.
In Harry's head the word Slytherin kept popping up.
"Rachel Riddle you are going to be in the house of…Giffindor." Dumbledore said.
Some stared, others began easing a little knowing that she might not be who they thought she was.
And with that Dumbledore dismissed everyone. Everyone left wondering what the next day would be like with their new student…

related to voldemort, b - speshul eyes, of - prophesy, rating - okay

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