3272: Harry Potter: Dragonlord? - Harry Potter

Jul 12, 2014 18:56

Here is day two of special pet week.
- There are nineteen days left until fanfic contest starts.
- The Flashback Sue is Lily Potter, resurrected from the dead.
- Here is a very fun pic about a crossover gone wrong.

TITLE: Harry Potter: Dragonlord?
PERPETRATOR: TheRandomRavenclaw
COVER/BANNER ART: It's a clip of their avatar which in turn is a clip of Minecraft I believe.
SUMMARY:”Or 'A bunch of weirdos from a kingdom that no longer exists go to Hogwarts, withut prior knowledge of the existence of said kingdom.' In which Fred and George Impersonate Trelawny, Harry hatches a dragon egg, the Camelotians are reborn, Merlin gets de-age-ified and goes to Hogwarts, and (duh) Arthur is a prat. Rated so because I ignore the possibility of K for some reason. idk why.”
FULL NAME: Harry Potter
SPECIES: He's a dragon lord.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: Harry has a dragon named Ariana I believe.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Harry, Ron and Hermione are watching another dragon hatch at Hagrids. When it hatches Ginny... who has been watching gets a wiff of the dust and Harry Potter has to set her magic right. Says Harry “Your magical core was unbalanced, due to you inhaling the dragon egg dust, which was pure old magic. I balanced your magical core, using my magic, which is both that of the old religion, and of the new era." Merlin is flying from Salem, Oregon and he and Arthur are supposed to be going to Hogwarts and Arthur was supposed to be waiting for him but runs into Morgana instead. Turns out they are back from the dead as well as Uther. Apparently Harry had passed out for a bit and Hermione mentions magical cores again so she went and did some research and babbling nonsense about Uther having sent Merlin and Arthur to find the last Dragonlord... blah... blah... never seen again. Then we get a boring prophesy in chapter four which I couldn't be bothered to read that Harry is having and then Merlin sensing someone going to “the lake” and casting a tracking spell on Arthur, Morgana and Uther. The Sidhe are now after the children. Hermione casts immobulus on them, but it of course won't work according to Harry. Merlin Ambrosius seemingly dies at the end of chapter five. The next chapter is utterly confusing.
ORIGIN: The writer thought it would be a good idea to crossover Merlin and Harry Potter without actually thinking about how the two canons would blend together and pretty much ended up turning Harry Potter into a Gary Stu in the first chapter.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Harry is astute at magic to the point of understanding magical cores. (You know... magical cores don't exist in either fandom people.) For some reason the cast of Merlin is back from the dead, no real explanation given other then... well, the writer wanted to bring them back I guess. Harry knows that the immobulus spell won't work on the Sidhe

NOTES: I was expecting the writer to be using a lot of fanon that is non-existent in the world of Harry Potter... like magical cores... but I wasn't expecting the scene in the first chapter of this fic to be as similar as it was to a scene from the first book, except it was Ginny looking through the window instead of Draco. I'm not sure if the way the dragon hatched is a part of the series, but I do know I've read/seen it before. And then there is the name Harry decides to give to the dragon.

Then there was this author's note for chapter five and the writer is whining about Merlin maybe being OoC in that chapter as well as the fact she made that chapter sad because she confessed to a boy only to get turned down. (…) I'm sorry she got turned down, but that really isn't something someone should be broadcasting to people. Worse yet we find out from the last chapter that the writer is only thirteen.


"What's 'appened? Why won' it hatch?" Hagrid looked worried, and he prodded the egg. Harry couldn't help but worry as well, and he leaned forward, poking the egg. He didn't know what compelled him to do so, but he suddenly picked it up. He held it in front of him with both hands, and, (as he would later hear from Hermione) started to glow, wisps of golden mist seeming to emanate from him, and cling to his hands and he egg he held. For some unknown reason, he started to think for a name. Suddenly, the perfect one popped into his head. "Ariana!" He said, his voice taking on a thick,gutteral tone that he had never heard before. The egg started to shake even more vigorously, and it began to crack. He set it back on the table, mouth agape in shock. He had no idea what had happened. The cracks forming atop the egg spread down the sides, and pieces of shell flaked off. Suddenly, the entire top of the shell burst off, like a bullet out of the barrel of a gun, and hit the ceiling. The shell turned to dust, and the group held their breath as the glittering bits of shell drifted to the floor. Well, everyone but one person. Ginny Weasly had been outside, looking through the cracked open window, and when she saw the eggshell turn to dust, she gasped. When she gasped, she inhaled a bit of the egg. But when that happened, she began to cough. Then her presence was discovered. Ron ran over to the door, and poked his head out. What he saw surprised him. Why was his little sister there? Well, barely little, she was less than a year younger than him. But he rubbed it in that he was older every chance he got. After all, what were older brothers for? He snapped out of his reminiscing, and ran over to her. She was coughing, and possibly choking. He guided (more like carried) her to the door, panicking. As soon as she was over the threshold, he started to gabble random sentences. "Ginnyischoking! Idon'tspeakgobbldygook! No! Spider!" (author's note: Gobbldygook is the language that goblins speak. Just so ya know, if you didn't already) harry ran over, and placed his hand on Ginny's forehead. Some of the gold mist still surrounding him seemed to seep in to her, and her breathing returned to normal. He sighed in relief. He would not have been able to bear it if anything had happened to Ginny...

af - magical cores, rating - awful, stu - harry potter, p - crossover

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