3252: An Australian Witch - Jennifer Gold

May 21, 2014 22:04

Still working on getting certain entries cleaned up. P.S. Added love triangle and soul mate tag. I figured they crop up so much, we might as well have the tags. If you know of any entries that should be tagged with these, let me know.

As for the link of the day... here is the random thing I found.

TITLE: An Australian Witch
PERPETRATOR: whitetiger91
SUMMARY:”This is my first FanFiction. Jennifer Gold is an Australian witch who attends Hogwarts in the same year as the golden trio. She may be a bit of a Mary Sue but there is something unique about her.”
FULL NAME: Jennifer Gold
SPECIES: She is an Australian Sue. (Yup... the writer is from there too.) She is also a half-blood.
HAIR: See markings...
EYES: “I thought I made the right choice; my normally hazel eyes were dominated by the strange bright green in them. I didn't think the outfit exactly caused my eyes to change though, as they often did when at home. My mum says it has something to do with my emotions; when I am angry they go bright green, when I am sad they turn an aqua blue. When I am jealous, though I try to reject that emotion, they go a dark brown. On normal days, they vary in their hazel appearance, sort of like a rainbow of blue, green, brown, gold and black. No one has ever quite seen eyes like mine; I guess it's something unique about me.”
MARKINGS: “Although my brown hair has accents of blonde and is straight and long, the rest of me is unnaturally thin. I do not mean like the dreams of other girls; I am not anorexic but find it impossible to gain weight. I was born this way, having had no thyroid and needing to take tablets daily to stay alive and well. I am also short- medium height and am somewhat pale despite the expectance to have a tan. I just hope the students at my new school take kindly to a strange outsider; as if being Australian or younger wasn't enough.”
POSSESSIONS: n/a... there is likely stuff in the fic I could list, but the story was a major yawn fest for all eleven chapters.
CONNECTION TO CANON: She visits DA, she makes friends with OCs and some other people, and then Fred and George take a liking to her. There is something about Hermione switching around the stuff in the Teen Witch magazine and her ragging on Parvati and Lavender for having such a magazine.
ORIGIN: She is from Australia, and her being from Australia means that she can't get jokes.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Looking at the characters Draco and Seamus' names are both in the pairing bracket with the OC, so I'm assuming she is going to be in a love triangle with the two. On top of getting a letter all the way in Australia she is going to be going to school despite not having turned eleven. “At first I was confused, with my condition my body acts as an automatic heater where I barely feel the cold unless I visit somewhere where the temperature rivals that of Antarctica's.” “I don't think I would have met the people I have nor have fought to be with the person I now love. I probably would have made sure to say a longer goodbye to my parents and siblings though I am now lucky to consider to have many people make up my family.” She doesn't speak like a ten year old. She says to Tom, “Morning Tom, any interesting news today?”

NOTES: Honestly... what method would allow a student to start a year early at Hogwarts?


Finding my way to The Leaky Cauldron was surprisingly easy. I had never been to England before let alone outside of Australia or without the company of my family. However, I am not too bad at reading instructions (as given to me by my parents before leaving) and was able to find my way after having only asked a few people to gain my bearings. I was soon settled in a small sort of room with few furnishings, my luggage taking up most of one beige wall.

I began to get dressed for yet another day wandering around Diagon Alley. I had already purchased most of my required school items and now only needed a wand. I figured that this was a special day so decided to wear something just as special. Slipping on some tight black jeans and a green sweater to make my eyes stand out, I shuffled over to the mirror. I thought I made the right choice; my normally hazel eyes were dominated by the strange bright green in them. I didn't think the outfit exactly caused my eyes to change though, as they often did when at home. My mum says it has something to do with my emotions; when I am angry they go bright green, when I am sad they turn an aqua blue. When I am jealous, though I try to reject that emotion, they go a dark brown. On normal days, they vary in their hazel appearance, sort of like a rainbow of blue, green, brown, gold and black. No one has ever quite seen eyes like mine; I guess it's something unique about me.

Unfortunately, the rest of me does not quite match. Although my brown hair has accents of blonde and is straight and long, the rest of me is unnaturally thin. I do not mean like the dreams of other girls; I am not anorexic but find it impossible to gain weight. I was born this way, having had no thyroid and needing to take tablets daily to stay alive and well. I am also short- medium height and am somewhat pale despite the expectance to have a tan. I just hope the students at my new school take kindly to a strange outsider; as if being Australian or younger wasn't enough.

In the few days that I have been here I have managed to make good friends with the barman. You wouldn't be able to tell from his wiry hair and toothy grin, but Tom was quite the funny man. He was good natured and often liked to tell jokes, although some went right over my head. Tying my hair back into a low pony-tail, I made my way downstairs.

rating - awful, ph - gryffindor house, pt - love triangle

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