3251: wolves hear - Emily Slattery

May 20, 2014 22:37

Another quick day.

I typed in the words Harry Potter neko into the search engine. For some reason this is one of the images that came up. Then I found out that the person actually does have a picture for Harry Potter. Can you imagine what I was thinking though when I saw it, it being the first picyure? Yes... I'm in a weird mood.

TITLE: wolves heart
COVER/BANNER ART: A clip of her avatar, which is kind of boring.
SUMMARY:”A young girl since the age of 4 has been a pawn of the ministry of magic, the day her parents gave her up and let them infect her , they found a necklace . it allows only female wolves to travel through time. Discovering of her supposed mental issue, a voice called Moonshine, the ministry decides to have her go through schooling with Britain's most troublesome boys, the marauders.”
FULL NAME: Emily Slattery (self insert...)
SPECIES: werewolf
HAIR: sandy blonde
EYES: color changing eyes, “gray, blue, green, dark gray, black and most of all amber”.
MARKINGS: A bite mark of course...
CONNECTION TO CANON: None. Well... she's being sent back in time despite the fact the past doesn't need to be fixed. It is so she can find her soul mate... because... “ If I didn't find my mate I would die. Male werewolves would go into depression, females die, without the reassurance that they have a soul mate and some one that loves the wolf side too, the wolf inside usually kills itself during the transformation, wolfsbane potion or no.”
ORIGIN: She was experimented on during the Marauder's time, sent way, way into the future and now that she is eleven years old Kingsly is sending her from 2006 back to the Marauder time frame.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's a werewolf because the ministry decided to experiment on her, and she can time travel.

NOTES: I think we have a young Suethor here, so if you choose to review... you know the rules.


I hissed in pain as she collided with the ground in the year 2006 this was the first time she traveled more than a few months. I managed to avoid landing on her back but wound up opening the cuts on my arm. Damn the ministry, if they wanted to help then they would've let me go. I'm only 11 ant they are having me travel to the seventies, again. I hated it there. I was bit there.

Just because I'm a bit unstable and depressed doesn't mean I need to ' meet people' or ' learn to trust and love'. Stupid people. If this is what it take's to have a normal life.

I shook my head and went up to the instructor.

"I'm ready. I'll go get ready." Before she had the chance to reply, I turned and ran to pack. As I ran I smiled the first real smile for a long time, I'm free. I ran into my room and became a blur I was moving so fast. I had my books, clothes and potions, with my wand in hand, and ran to meet the minister. I flew past the hall of prophesies and past the room that once held the veil, momentarily stopping but charged right on.

The minister was a man who went through the war named Kingsley Shacklebolt. He smiled when he saw me, I ran up to him and gave him a light hug around the middle. The man filled in the roll of a father to me ever since I was little, apparently he knew a werewolf like me that people were cruel to and he wanted to make sure that never happened. He looked at me and the clothes I was wearing and sighed, the bite mark on my shoulder was still a bit red and pink, and was visible with the dark red and silver tank-top I was wearing. The black shorts I was wearing went just under my knees showing quite a few scars form past transformations. In the pocket of the shorts was an iPod with my blue and silver headphones, the iPod I was admandent about being able to get music from 1960 to 2020. One of the few arguments I won.

pt - soul mates, ct - werewolf (full), ac - time travel, rating - toxic

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